friends and secret affairs | 8

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Curi's POV

As me and Isaac walked towards the school, Katie suddenly came into view sitting at one of the benches with a sketch book in hand, looking up from her work she saw me and began packing up her things.

"She's mine now" she said directly to Isaac as she pulled my hand towards the entrance.

"Good morning to you too Katie" Isaac said sarcastically as the door shut leaving him outside.

"I'm gonna take it you two are back together?" She began as we walked through the hall

"Yeah we talked this morning" I replied, as we reached my locker. I began pulling out the books I'll need out of it.

Katie just stared at me in silence while leaning on the locker next to mine.

"What?", I finally asked, zipping up my bag with all the things I would need for the lecture.

"Your glowing", she observed while squinting her eyes, Ignoring her gaze I just remained quiet. "Don't tell me it's that girl"

"She's not just that girl, she has a name you know" I stated, a small smile unconsciously creeping up my face. I have told Katie about my encounter with Jessy after that night.

"So you agree that it's about her" she replied, replicating my smile

"I honestly don't know Kate, I mean things are getting better for me and Isaac again" I shut my locker closed and leaned against it, Katie doing the same but with leans at her locker that was next to mine. I looked at her tiredly, "i tried looking for her but she's like a ghost, and it doesn't help that I never asked for her last name or number"

"Damn.....all this for someone you don't even know" she said stating the obvious, I blushed.

"It's not like that" I tried convincing her.

"Uh huh, you do know that your closet is made out of glass?" She jokingly said, suddenly she went serious "but we're only joking right?, and you love Isaac with all your heart?"

"Yea, I mean I don't even know anything about her" looking down I fidgeted with the hem of my blazer, purposely ignoring her first question, Katie wanted to say more but suddenly Harry and Nate showed up.

"Good to be back, hey Kate, chicken" Nate said, hugging both me and Kate

"How is everyone in this fine early morning" harry added holding out a tray of coffee for us, I took the one with my name on it.

"Damn what's gotten the both of you so chirpy this morning?" I asked suspiciously as I took a sip of the coffee

"What?, we can't be happy that you can finally go out and hang out with us again?" Nate said, giving me a big goofy smile, Katie and I looked at each unconvinced, "fineee", he added, "me and Harry saw the new teacher, and damn does she has an ass"

"Nate c'mon man don't be like that" Harry being the gentleman that he is told him off, "but I must admit she is stunning"

Suddenly the twins, Yila and Yana we're heading straight towards us, bickering about something. at first glance those girls seemed perfect, they were identical, and yet they weren't. They both shared the same features, but you could tell their differences. Due to the uniforms being the same, the only way you can tell them apart is by Their hair, Yila kept her hair naturally straight and either had a bow in or an headband. Yana on the other hand preferred to curl her hair into waves and styled it as half up half Down. One of the other ways you can tell them apart is by Their personalities and actions. Yila walked with grace and poise, head of the debate team, signs up to every volunteer committee for extra credit, and does ballet. While Yana preferred to roller skate rather than walk, tho it is not allowed inside the school, she's apart of the schools dance troupe, and has an artistic side. It is no surprise that Yila is her family's pride and joy but it's not like anyone's actually gonna point it out, the only people who can do that are Yila and Yana themselves.

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