break up? | 13

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"Isaac, I truly tried to like you, but I just don't see myself being happy in a future with you in it" I said practicing what I'll say to him while doing my make up in the bathroom

"Curi that's too mean" I hear Katie thru the phone, "try it again...less specific this time"

"Isaac" I looked at myself in the mirror and said the next thing like I was telling myself, "I just don't feel the same way anymore as before, but I truly would like it If we still stayed friends", in a way that was the truth, but a small part of me knows that I've never really felt anything romantic for him.

"It's work in progress" Katie said trying to lighten up the mood, "just do it privately, ok?, that man worships the ground you walk on, we don't want him to burst into tears and have the entire school know about it"

I had no intention on humiliating Isaac nor ruin his reputation so i agreed with her.

"I'm about to put on eye liner, I'll see you at school later" she looked at me thru the screen and I did the same

"Bye kate, thanks for helping me out" we exchanged our goodbyes and I ended the phone call, after finishing up with my make up and hair, I went and put on the rest of my uniform and headed downstairs

"Good morning parents" I said once I spotted them eating breakfast together in the kitchen

"Daughter" my father addressed me, "Isaac called and said that he couldn't pick you up today so I'm taking you to school instead"

I let out an involuntary sigh of relief, thankful that I can atleast stall the impending breakup, this however did not go unnoticed by my parents

"Is everything ok, sweetie?" My mother asked, looking up from the newspaper she was reading on her tablet

"Yea, why wouldn't it be", I tried covering up, I wasn't really too thrilled about telling them my plans, so I kept my head down as I packed some snacks into my bag.

"Well?, were not getting younger here, spill the gossip" me and my mom let out a laugh as my dad attempted to use gen z slang

"That was horrible" my mom said wiping a tear from her eyes, "kinda sad to be honest", my dad jokingly slapped her arm as she continued to laugh

Once our laughs died down, I looked at my phone and saw that I still had 15 minutes before I had to leave school, looking up to my parents, I saw them still waiting for an explanation, with a face saying that there is no way I'm getting out of this one. Sighing, I sat down on one of the chairs facing them and got comfortable.

"I wanna break up with Isaac" I informed them, my dad looked ready to kill him thinking he did something wrong, while my mom just turned off her tablet putting it to the side, giving me her full attention.

"Did he do something to you?, that made you want to break up with him?" My dad asked, and I shook my head.

"Why?" My mother said next, both of them curious as to why I wanted to break up a relationship I've had since kindergarten, that question gave me the opening to further explain my side of the story

"When I explain it to you, you guys can't interrupt me till I'm finished, they nodded their heads, "it's not that he did something bad, or even did something in general, it's just....I met someone, and that person made me realize that I've lost feelings for Isaac" I looked at them implying that they could talk now

"Honestly I'm not surprised" my mom let out a small smile, "do we know this new person?"

"Kid I have to agree with your mom, I mean Isaac's a great kid and all, but it's just that he doesn't seem like your type" my dad said, I smiled at them thankful that they understand, "and I'm sure this new guy of yours will make you very happy" yeaaa definitely.

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