back to school | 7

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A/N: decided to publish this early bc........IM APART OF THE HONORS LIST THIS SEM🥳🥳.(I'm a consistent honors student so I actually forgot about it tbh but my friend reminded me)
Curi's POV

Staring at the ceiling of my room I kept relieving the events of that night.

After our previous conversation, frank came back and I was forced to go back to my side of the bar, but even so that didn't stop us from stealing glances at each other.

As time passed many more people started to show up at the bar, and I got busy not having time to look at her anymore.

12:00 am, the clock above me read. My back aching from standing for so long, I turned to see if I can talk to her again, only to see a man in her place, her long gone.

I closed my eyes as I remembered her, her eyes, her smile, her voice. Every inch of her engraved in my mind.

"CURI, ISAAC WILL BE HERE SOON, ARE YOU READY YET?" My mother called out to me from downstairs

I didn't want to see Isaac, not yet at least. I've been unintentionally avoiding him ever since the party, and me being grounded around that time was a major bonus. I wasn't allowed to drive anymore after crashing at every curb in the vicinity, so It went back to Isaac picking me up every day since we're neighbors.

Finally getting up, I head downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning" I said with a small pout once I entered the kitchen, sitting at one of the table stools, my mom turned to me

"Oh honey if you want I can drive you to school today" she said assuming that the reason why is because of Issac, although it kinda is, I'm more upset by the fact that I'm never gonna see Jessy again.

"It's ok mom I kinda need to talk to him anyways" she placed a plate of toast and eggs infront of me

"So what have you decided to do?"

"I think I'm gonna talk to him about it to be honest, he deserves an explanation as to why I have been avoiding him" accepting that answer my mom dropped the subject, I was greatful for that because I didn't want to keep talking about him.

A few minutes later I received a text from him telling me his outside

"I have to go now mom, bye" I said as I kissed her cheek

"Oh ok honey I hope you have a good day at school, bye" she said, I just gave her a smile and headed outside

"Hey" he said once he saw me make his way to his car, he was standing outside waiting for me like he does everytime.

"Hey" putting on a smile, he opened the door for me and I slid inside fixing my uniform.

We went to one of the most prestigious private Catholic School in Malibu so uniforms are a must, it didn't really bother me tho because I quite liked the style. It was a plaid dark brown and cream skirt and tie, white buttoned up shirt, topped with a dark brown jacket that has the school logo on it.

Getting to his side of the car, he started driving.

Silence fell onto the small space. Breaking the silence I began talking,

"Isaac i-"

"You wanna break up"

We said at the same time

"What-,I don't wanna break up" I said looking at him confused, "what makes you think I wanna break up?"

He parks the car and turns to me,
"Are you seriously asking me that?, Curi you've been avoiding me since your party, barely responded to any of my texts, and you gave every excuse just so you won't have to see me"

"I umm" I didn't know how to say it

"What?, what did I do to make you hate me?" He pleaded

"I don't hate you, I just don't wanna with you" I said, saying the last part so quietly that he had to lean in to hear me.

As I looked down ashamed of what I just admitted, he started to laugh. I didn't know what to do or what was happening so I just laughed with him.

"You have been making me think that I did something wrong but all along you've been avoiding me because your ashamed that you don't want to have sex?" He said between laughs

"Im really sorry Isaac, I know I'm the one who suggested it first, and i-" he cut me off

"You Curiousity Morgan are my heart, it beats only for you and you alone" he looked deep into my eyes, his filled with understanding and love, "nothing in this world would stop me from wanting to be yours, and us not having sex is the least of my worrys"

I was touched, he really is my prince charming. Without a second thought I took my seat belt off and leaned into him, giving a long kiss to show how much his words meant to me. Pulling away he said

"Look I know we're adults now and all" he avoided eye contact like he's ashamed of what he'll say next, "but I really like the idea of waiting till marriage" looking back at me waiting for my response

I felt relieved, like a weight of my shoulders has suddenly been lifted, I get to have atleast 3 more years before we actually do it. "Oh thank god" was all I said before I nuzzled my head into his chest, cuddling him.

"Because think about it, we have all the time in the world so what's the rush", he said whilst playing with my hair. We just stayed in that position in silence, Isaac enjoyed it, but me?, I was wallowing up in regret because I didn't feel anything. yes, I felt happy by his confession, but when we kissed, there was no spark, no flutter, no feelings. As we sat there, I came with the realization. I no longer had romantic feelings for Isaac Parker.


Chrisy's POV

As I walked the halls of Quins Catholic Private Academy, my stomach churned, I haven't had breakfast yet, not that I could, I needed to save every penny I can if I wanna hangout with them.

As I walked I kept count of how much I spent over the break. Working at the local McDonalds along with other side hustles gave my father a boost financially. It is not after easy raising 5 kids so I try to help out as much and not be a burden.

Turning the hall I saw Lexie in the school garden thru a big window, she was wearing headphones with a book between her nose sitting under the big Apple tree at the center of the garden, approaching her, I saw that there we're plenty of students outside, which I understood why, the weather was great today. As I walked over to her, she saw me and began to walk over to me too.

"Hey I have gossip" she said once she got near

"Oooo tell me more" we head over to a bench that was away from other students

"So apparently this new teacher is like 28, not in her early 20s like we thought" people always underestimate her, they think she can't hear when she's reading a book with headphones but in reality she eavesdrops on everyone when they least expect it.

"Ok what is up with everyone being fixated by her?"I truly didn't understand, she is after all a teacher.

"Because she's hot and we're not allowed to have her" I raised my eyebrow, she rolled her eyes and continued, "ok so, imagine her as a drug, it's hard to find when your young and your not allowed to have it,so once it's in our reach we'll do anything to try it"

"But you don't even like drugs"

"Not the main point, she's making my bisexual horny teen mind go nuts" stating this, she took a sip of her water.

Suddenly her gaze shifted from somewhere behind me, and the room went silent, every one looking at the same direction

"Omg" Lexie said not believing what she's seeing

Turning around I saw her.

A/N: Im gonna post small povs of different characters on their perspectives btw but not often and the main pov in this story will be curi's<3

Word of the day
In a word saudade is yearning: yearning for something so indefinite as to be indefinable: an unrestrained indulgence in yearning.

Word count: 1452 words

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