Aftershock | 16

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A/N: you can thank me In advance😋

They say that pain sometimes takes a while to set in. For me it took a few days, Wednesday came around and everyone knew about Isaac's infidelity. my parents suggested that I'd take a few days off, and I did take Tuesday off but I have a track competition today so I went to school. keeping my head held high and a smile acting like everything is ok. That was untill after first period and the endless whispering and gossips about the subject seem to never end. I felt like I was going to explode.

"Who in their right mind decided to put math as the first subject of the day?" Nate complained after we just finished our test. "Didn't they knew that teen's this days are suicidal?"

"What did you guys answer for the topology portion of the test?" Harry asked slumping down on the couch inside our private room for members of the school board committee. One of the pros of having over achiever friends and a part of the student body.

"That was one of the questions?" Yila genuinely asked. Yes the test was quite hard but I was kinda thankful for it, it meant I got to focus on something other than the endless talk. But now it was over and my mind went back to spiralling, I knew I should have went home before something bad happened but I truly thought that I could keep it in till school ended.

That was untill the very next period when that one bitch, Lila started to pick on me

"Did you seriously didn't see this coming?, for someone whose apperantly so smart you can be quite dumb and naive curi" she started but I decided to just keep my head down and focus on my hands, mentally counting backwards from 100. "Well?, aren't you going to answer me?, tho I'm sure you don't even feel bad about it since you've probably also been sleeping around"

"Shut up Lila!" I exploded at her face, she smirked knowing that she's gotten me all riled up and fell right into her trap

"It's true, for all we know you probably also lied about your virginity, like that boy toy of yours, oh wait he's not really yours anymore is he?" Suddenly Miss Jackson entered the room causing everyone else to go back to their seats except for me and Lila, suddenly she pulled me close so that to others it looked like we were hugging, and she whispered to me, "face it Curiosity, your breaking under that facade of yours, and me with everyone else can see it"

Miss Jackson, after seeing my reaction, she tried to say something but I walked passed her knowing if I didn't, I would cause another reason to get people talking about me. Once out of the classroom, I tried running out the school, but then tears started to fall so I was forced to hide in one of the classroom until my episode was over.

I did my best not to make a sound, but with my heart pounding out of my chest, I couldn't really hear anything. Nor can I see clearly from the tears clouding my eyes, and my body started feeling numb since I was in the middle of a panick attack. Suddenly I felt someone touch my hand and a pair of light green eyes stared at me, quickly engulfing me into their arms and......kissed me.

Isaac has kissed me hundreds, but this kiss, This was my forever kiss. The type of kiss that will always live in your head rent free, the kiss that will always leave you wanting for more, the kiss that I will always cherish even when I pass.

Suddenly just as swifty as those lips touched mine, they pulled away, Leaving me craving for more.

"I read somewhere that if you held your breath, it can stop a panic attack" I recognized that voice, in a hurry I blinked my tears away to see that the woman kneeling in front of me was my Mega Ultra Most biggest crush in the entire universe.

"I-umm" I was left speechless, omg she just kissed me, any traces of me having a panic attack was long gone and instead I was filled with butterflies instead of anxiety.

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