it surely isn't her | 9

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"come in" I heard thru the door, and so i walked in

"Good morning principal Xavier" I said spotting the principal in his seat and a blond infront of him seated on one of the chairs. Abraham Xavier, a black African man and Lexie's father signaled for me to come closer. As I approached them, the blond suddenly turned and I froze,omg.

"Curi are you ok?" He asked, but I didn't respond and neither did she, completely ignoring him in the room, we just stared at each other in complete shock.

"Hi" I managed to get out, tho it was filled with Doubt and uncertainty, surely it wasn't her right?

"Hi" completely getting over the shock, she went to stand up and shook my hand, "you can call me miss Jackson, I'm your new English teacher", she informed me being professional.

"Are you sure that you can still do the tour kid?" Principal Xavier asked me, and both me and jes-miss Jackson went to sit in the chairs infront of him

"What do you mean?" I asked back while sitting down

"You look paler than a ghost" he stated, concerned for my well being, "are you sick?, I can just ask Lexie to do the tour if you are"

"NO" I quickly said, "I mean I can do the tour, it's no problem at all, plus Lexie has journalism right now", blushing hard from my momentary outburst, I looked at miss Jackson, "well you should have an opinion in this so who would you like to give the tour?"

"You" she said not breaking eye contact, when I looked at her, she was already looking at me which made me question for how long that had been going on.

"That's settled then, curi will give you the tour miss Jackson" the principal said as he stood up, we took it as a sign and stood up aswell, "it is truly a pleasure and honor to have you here working with us" with that he Shaked miss Jackson's hand.

After that we exited the room since he needed to finalize the preparation for a Catholic Youth camp that I will be attending.

"Lead the way miss Morgan" she said looking at me in the empty hallway, I didn't dare to look at her perfect face while her main attention was on me, so I nodded and started with the tour.

So far we have toured almost half the school, since the school was massive, we decided to head to the cafeteria for a break. Even tho it was still fairly early in the morning, there was still a line for the cafeteria with students like me who had a free period.

Throughout the tour, she only ever spoke to me if she had a question, and that made me come to the conclusion that maybe she wasn't even my Jessy. The fluorescent lights at the bar that night made it hard to see people in full detail, so as we walked and I talked, I couldn't help but stare at her every chance I got. She looked good, heck she looked ethereal, beyond any girl I have ever laid my eyes on. She wore this fit white buttoned up shirt that the first three buttons were unbuttoned, tucked away under a pencil skirt that hugged her curves perfectly.

Finally getting away from the line with our food in trays, we found a secluded spot inside the cafeteria where we could eat, my mind was still spinning with doubt if it was even her or not, my mind was so consumed by questions that I didn't even realize she took off her top. When I did notice, a light blush consumed my face.

"It's hot here and I'm wearing white so I don't want my shirt to be ruined", she informed me worried that the food might stain her shirt. I quietly nodded and couldn't help but check her out for the 100th time today, she had a black spaghetti strap top beneath her clothing that hugged every inch of her perfectly. with toned arms and perfect boobs, I couldn't help it but I stared at it longer than what was appropriate considering she's my teacher.

Yup definitely her, I thought, there was no way I could ever forget those boobs.

"You do have a thing for staring don't you Curiosity?" She asked looking at me straight in the eye while dipping her fries onto the sauce and eating it.

"So you do remember me", OMG SHE REMEMBERS ME, i replicated her action and began to eat my nachos.

"You are very hard to forget", is she flirting with me?.

"You do know that you can just call me curi, right miss Jackson", people rarely call me by my real name, and not that I hated the name, it was that I preferred to be called curi, but when she says it, it's like my stomach does cartwheels.

"I actually like your name Curiosity, it suits you perfectly, and you can just call me Jessy when it's just us." Am I in heaven rn?

"Ok Jessy" I couldn't help it but I was melting under her stare. Suddenly remembering Harry's suggestion I asked her, "so why did you move here"

Suddenly she sat up a little straighter than before, "I wanted a new-"

"I've said enough rehearsed speeches to identify one" I cut her off, "I want the real reason.....please"

She sighed, "I told my mom that I wouldn't get married with my fiance and that I was into girls for the 100th time" she paused looking at me to make sure I understood before continuing, "I threatened her that I would go out to the public about my sexuality and she kicked me out"

"Oh Jessy im so sorry" I said feeling bad about her family issues, "I can't believe your mother did that to you"

"Well I'm not sorry, it was only a matter of time before I escaped that hellhole" she continued to eat as if it wasn't a major deal, "what about you?, any secrets hiding in your closet?"

"None that I could think of, no" my parents were the best, and they never gave me a reason to have trauma growing up.

"Good" she said genuinely happy that I never had to go thru what she went thru. "I do have a question tho"

"What is it?" I replied, intrigued to what she would ask me

She discarded her almost empty tray of fries to the side and leaned closer to me,  "why is the daughter of the richest man in town working as a bartender?"

"Oh that", I drank my water, after i placed my food to the side and leaned towards her aswell so that we were inches apart, "my friends dad is the owner and sometimes when they're understaffed I step in"

She nodded at what I said and remained quiet, we continued to eat while talking about everything and nothing. After we went on with the tour.

"The French colonial empire comprised the overseas colonies, protectorates and mandate territories that came under French rule from the 16th century onward. A distinction is generally made between the..." Mister Bradford, my ap world history and psychology explained.

"Pstt you ok" Lexie asked seeing that I wasn't paying attention

"Yea why wouldn't I be" I replied before looking out the window, I couldn't wait till English class so I get to talk to Jessy again. The rest of the tour went perfectly, in the end I had a big smile on my face entering the class. For everyone else it was just an ordinary day, but for me?, it was the start of something big, and I'm not sure If it's for the good or not.

A/N: Tada!!!!, a new chapter💋, I'm leaving for camp tomorrow morning so instead of packing my stuff I made this!, I hope y'all like it🫶.

Word of the day-
a love returned in full; an act of loving the one who loves you; the act of loving in return.

Word count:1361 words

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