Panic Famedom

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Taylor POV

I woke up kind of late because I had a break today and wanted to take full advantage of the time to sleep.  I knew that I needed to call Violeta at some point today because my album, fearless, made #1 billboards.  I had just made breakfast and was scrolling on TikTok when I saw a clip of Violeta.  She was a really good player.

I continued scrolling and realized that she was going viral.  I was ready through the comments on a few of the videos and realized that people were praising her ability and humility.  She basically told an interviewer that she didn't want to win an award, which is completely insane.  I mean sure, you don't do it for the awards but it would be something that you strive for in sports, right?

I immediately texted her.  What happened to our promise Ms. Viral?

Violeta POV

I wanted to respond to Taylor's text but my class had just started and my mind was reeling.  When I talked to Taylor I needed to call her because I am low key freaking out. 

I waited for my class to end and I was about to walk out when my professor called me over to his desk.  "Your coach emailed me, she needs to talk to you immediately.  So go there as soon as you can," my professor explained. 

"I will go now.  Thanks," I called out while half running out the door. 

When I got to my coaches office, the injured center was sitting in one of the chairs and she had crutches.  "Violeta, take a seat," the coach spoke.  I did as instructed, this doesn't look good. 

"What's going on?" I ask the coach.

"I'm out," the center spoke, pausing so the words would sink in.  "I fractured a bone in my leg and can't play for 6-8 weeks.  You are the starting center for the rest of the season," she concluded and I didn't think I was going to be able to speak. 

"I can't do that," I stated bluntly and the coach looked at me with narrow eyes. 

"Can't do what?" The coach asked me. 

"No freshman center has ever won one playoff game let alone led a team to the championship game," I explained.  I was starting to panic and I knew that I was about to have a panic attack. 

"Violeta, you did the unimaginable.  You can do it again and you have to.  You are the best player I have ever seen, take a few deep breaths and realize that all you have to do is what you do everyday: try your very best and never give up," the center disagreed.  I took her words to heart, I had to believe in myself at least for now.

"I need air," I said and walked out.  I was breathing faster than I should have been but I did the only thing I knew how to do.  Run. 

Taylor POV

It had been almost 3 hours since I texted Violeta and it never took this long for her to respond.  I was starting to get worried because I know some people have a hard time adjusting to being in the spotlight.  I decided to call her. 

"Hey, what's up?" Violeta spoke.  She sounded like she was out of breath but it wasn't a physical out of breath.  It sounded like a panic attack.

"Listen to me.  Take deep breaths in and out, okay Vi?  You just need to slow down.  Whatever is going on you'll get past it, but you have to slow down," I comforted her as best I could.  I tried to coach her through it as best I could but I have only ever had attacks never talked someone through one.  I could hear her breathing becoming more regular so I figured that it worked. 

"The main center on my team is out for 6-8 weeks which means that I'm starting center and we have two more playoff games before championship and if we lose it'll be my fault.  I don't know what I'm doing and I don't want to let anyone down.  I don't know what to do," her voice was breaking as she was talking.  How could someone as good as her be so worried about their play?

"Violeta, have you read any of the comments or watched anything about you yet?" I asked her and I heard her hesitate. 

"No, why?" She asked. 

"Just take a second and read through some of them," I told her.  She was quiet so I figured she was doing it. 

Violeta POV

I was reading through the comments

Best rookie by far

She should've started the whole season

Where the hell did this girl come from?

How have we never seen this player?

20 bucks she ends up in the hall of fame

So humble and talented that doesn't happen anymore

"Why are people gushing over me?  I didn't even do anything impressive.  I just played like I usually do," I muttered.  I kinda forgot that I was on the phone with Taylor. 

"Your normal is extraordinary to everyone else.  Don't doubt yourself, Violeta, someone as good as you shouldn't doubt themselves," Taylor commented.  I didn't even know it was possible for someone to reassure me so easily.  No one had ever done that before. 

"I'll figure it out," I huffed.  "Why did you call me?" I asked her. 

"Guess who made #1 billboards?" Taylor asked me.  I screamed. 

"Sorry.  That's amazing, Taylor.  You really deserve it, I'm so happy for you," I exclaimed.  She laughed a little. 

"Who would've known that we would be on top of the world together," Taylor mentioned. 

"Definitely not me.  Shit, I have to get to workouts.  Talk to you later?" I realized.  She sighed. 

"How much later?" She said before hanging up.  She was right.  There was no way that we would talk again today and there was no telling when the next time we would both have time to talk to each other.  I mean we had a few conversations over a few days on text but it just wasn't the same.  We both knew that our friendship was going to be hard to maintain but I think we both underestimated it. 

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