Welcome to New York

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Over the next few weeks, I continued to go games.  Jason's team didn't make it to playoff so I spent more time in Kansas City.  They ended up losing in the AFC Championship.  I was at Travis's house after the loss.  "When you heading back to New York?" Travis asked me.  

"Tomorrow.  I haven't been home a lot and Taylor is actually in New York which doesn't happen so," I said and he smiled.  

"I didn't know you were still friends with Taylor," Travis noted and I gasped.  

"Always assume that we are," I stated and Travis laughed.  Travis had started dating Maya Benberry after she won Catching Kelce.

"Why do you never talk about her?" Travis asked me.  

"She is in the public eye more than I am so we limit the amount that we talk about each other," I explained and he seemed a little shocked.  There was a knock on the door and Travis went to go it.  

"Hey Vi," Zach greeted me as he waked in.  

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked him.  Usually if he wanted to see me, he texted me and we went somewhere.  

"I can't come to see my girlfriend?" He asked me.  I rolled my eyes and just waited for him to continue.  "It's off season and I haven't been to New York, yet," he stated cautiously.

"Very subtle.  Sure you can come to New York, I am leaving tomorrow," I stated.  His entire face lit up.  "You are going to have to deal with my friends though," I added.  He just hugged me and that's when Travis walked.  

"Hello Lovebirds," Travis mused as he walked in.  Zach moved so that he was standing next to me with his hand around my waist.  "I assume you are stealing Zach?" Travis asked me and Zach laughed.  

"Yeah and he is probably going to meet Taylor," I threw it in his face and he huffed.  He said something under his breath before he walked back out of the room.  

"Firefly, who's Taylor?" Zach asked and I laughed.  

"Swift," I said and his eyes went wide.  He didn't believe me.  The next day, we flew to New York.  

Kayley POV

I was sitting on the couch in Violeta and I's apartment scrolling on TikTok when a video of Violeta popped up.  She was getting off of her plane and she had Zach with her.  I looked through the comments and no one could figure out who he was.  He was wearing sunglasses and they didn't get a good look at him so no one recognized him.  

I heard the door open and I looked up.  "Hello Violeta," I said when I saw her.  

"Hi?" She sounded unsure.  

"Your boyfriend is going viral," I said and she laughed.  She walked further into the room and that's when I finally saw Zach.  

"Why exactly am I going viral?" Zach asked me and I laughed.  

"She is your girlfriend and no one knew that she had a boyfriend.  Also, they can't figure out who you are," I explained to him.  I really hoped that he understood what dating Violeta would entail.  I only lived with her and people always came up to me and asked questions, most of which I have no idea how to answer.  She is also rich because she used the money that the NLL gave her to invest and buy out companies.  

"I meant where did they catch me," Zach clarified.  That makes a lot more sense.  

"Probably the airport.  It is the least secured place and they probably knew I would be back today," Violeta theorized and I nodded.  They both sat down on the couch and I gave Violeta my phone to show her the video.  

"God am I happy that my fans don't watch football," she muttered under her breath.  

"Vi," I caught her attention.  "Can we go out tonight?" I asked her and she laughed before looking at Zach.  He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.  

"Sure, one of the private places though," Violeta responded.  I got excited.  

"I'm Kayley by the way," I told Zach.  

"Zach," he responded with a slight smile.  We both definitely already knew each other's names.  

Violeta POV

We ended up going out to dinner.  When we got there, Taylor was there with her boyfriend, Calvin Harris.  The second she saw me, she stood up and walked to the bathroom.  "If you'll excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom," I stated and Kayley laughed a little.  

"Tell Taylor, I said hi," Kayley told me and I just walked away.  When I got to the bathroom, Taylor was the only one in there.  

"You brought your boyfriend to New York?" Taylor asked me. 

"Yep.  My fans are freaking out," I responded and she laughed.  

"I want to meet him," Taylor informed me.  

"Sure, he's staying with so stop by whenever," I told her.  She agreed and then walked out.  

Zach POV

I was actually confused because I hadn't noticed Taylor Swift in the room but both of them did.  I kept glancing over at the bathroom door waiting for Violeta.  Taylor Swift actually walked out of the bathroom and I made eye contact.  She smiled before continuing to her table.  When Violeta walked out she had one of the most genuine smiles on her face that I think I had ever seen.  She looked amazing, as always.  

"You actually know her?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.  Both of the laughed and I had a feeling that Kayley knew her too.  

"I wouldn't lie," Violeta pointed out.  That was true, Vi didn't even lie to the press.  She just refused to comment on certain things and it was such a refreshing thing to know that she wouldn't lie.  

We ate dinner and I got to know Kayley and I learned quite a bit about Violeta too.  She was a little bit different when she was around friends and I was happy that I got a chance to see that part of her.  

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