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Again, this is all a recreation of what could have happened and in no way am I claiming to know what actually happened.  This is all my interpretation.  Do NOT take it seriously. 


We were still celebrating the Super Bowl win and I got a call from Tree.  Usually, if Taylor and I had something we needed to do, Taylor would text me and set up a time to talk so I was worried.    I walked out of the club and answered the phone. 

Hey Tree.  What's up?
Taylor's in the hospital and she is asking for you. 
Send me the address I'm on my way. 

I hung up the phone and went back inside to find Zach and tell him I was leaving.  I didn't want to ruin his win so I lied.  "There's something wrong at my studio in New York and I need to go right now," I said and he frowned.  He was drunk so I knew this was going to be hard. 

"Come on, Firefly.  The studio will still be there tomorrow, just stay," Zach was stumbling over his words.  He kissed me and I pulled away before getting too deep into the kiss. 

"I have to go," I stated and then I walked away.  I quelled my phone for the address and called my pilot.  We are leaving right now, Taylor has to be okay.  The plane ride to New York was around three and a half hours.  As soon as I landed, I headed to the address that Tree sent me. 

When I got there, Taylor was sleeping and Tree was outside the room talking to a doctor.  "What happened?" I asked which drew Tree's attention to me. 

"She fell down a few flights of stairs," Tree stated.  I inhaled harsh because Taylor is more coordinated than I am there is absolutely no way that she "fell" down. 

"Actually, a more accurate description would be that she fainted and then fell," said the doctor who was standing there.  When she didn't say anything else, I could feel my impatience rising.  

"Please continue," I stated and the nurse looked at Tree who nodded. 

"She appears to have been extremely stressed out and it put the baby in distress causing her to fall," the doctor started and my eyes went wide.  Taylor is pregnant?  When did that happen?  "Ms. Swift will recover from the fall she only has a few numbs and bruises.  However, the baby was only a few weeks old and the fall caused a miscarriage."  No.  Taylor had always wanted to be a mom and even if she hated the kids dad, this was going to break her. 

"Does she know?" I asked looking at Tree.  Taylor needed me to be her rock right now and I would be, no matter what I was feeling. 

"No, she has been asleep since we got here," Tree said after she dismissed the doctor. "I know that you are the only person who Taylor trusts completely and I know that you won't say anything. Taylor walked in on Joe cheating on her and she was running out his apartment when this happened. Violeta, he didn't even call an ambulance," Tree explained and I see my vision going red.

"We need to get her out of the hospital, the media will have a field day with this. The doctors are required under Hippa to not say anything so I guess the only question is: did Taylor know she was pregnant?" I asked Tree.

"I don't think so. She is planning a world tour and I'm pretty sure that would be impossible to do pregnant and you didn't know," Tree replied. So Taylor was going to find out that she was pregnant and that she miscarried during the same conversation. I walked into Taylor's hospital room and held onto her hand while she slept. I was dreading having to tell her this but I knew that she needed everything.

"Vi?" I heard Taylor ask. Her voice was really quiet and her eyes were still shut so I wasn't sure if she was asleep or not.  "Is that really you?" She asked.  Her eyes were now open and they were so much darker than usual. 

"Yeah I'm really here," I responded and she sat up to hug me.  I was super gentle but she still winced when she laid back again. 

"What happened?" Taylor asked.  I noticed that she had a bruise on her head so she probably had amnesia. 

"You fainted and fell down some stairs," I stated and she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Why did I faint Violeta?" Taylor asked me.  I knew that my eyes were a little watery but I needed to toughen up for her. 

"You walked in on Joe with another girl and then you ran out of his apartment.  Your stress from the situation caused," the words were starting to get caught in my throat.  I was looking at Taylor and it seemed that everything I said was refreshing her memory.  "You fainted because your baby was distressed but when you fell down the stairs, you miscarried," I finally got the words out.  Taylor's eyes had flashed with hope and then I saw every piece of it evaporate as she started sobbing.  I hugged her as tightly as I could without hurting her and told her that everything would be okay.  I was trying to comfort her as best I could but even I knew that it would be a hard feat. 

Tree POV

I was looking through the window and I don't think I have ever seen Taylor so distraught.  A phone started ringing and I realized that it was in my hand.  Violeta had handed me her phone and I looked down to see that Zach was the one calling her.  I decided not to answer because I didn't know what she said about the situation.  Violeta ended up lying down next to Taylor in the hospital bed and just let Taylor cry.  I had to leave be a visiting hours were over but I was pretty sure that if a doctor tried to go in and get Violeta to leave, her security guard would kill them.  I left Violeta's phone with the guards before I left. 

Violeta POV

When I woke up the next morning, Taylor was still asleep and she was holding onto me with a death grip.  I couldn't imagine what she was going through and it was heartbreaking.  After Taylor did wake up, her grip loosened but she didn't say a word.  She looked like a ghost of who she used to be.  She was always so alive and nothing ever seemed to be able to break her but this did.  My main bodyguard who was the only one in the hospital, came into the room.  "Sorry to interrupt but your husband has been calling you nonstop for about an hour," he said as he walked over and handed me my phone.  He walked back out and Taylor didn't even seem to notice.  I waited for Zach to call again before I answered. 

I'm in New York.  I am fine don't worry stop calling me. 
I am fine. 
Then why did you leave?
There was an emergency
But if your fine and wait what happened
Tell me what happened to Taylor.  She is the only one you would cover for
Zach I'll let you know when I know. 

I hung up the phone.  Taylor was still just staring into space and I could tell from her eyes that she was all out of tears. 

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