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Throughout the football season, I hadn't left my house. I knew that the media was saying a bunch of out of pocket things like saying I'm dead or that I hate Taylor. She had started going to Travis's games and I hadn't been to any all season. My water broke during the AFC Championship. I called an ambulance and they took me to the hospital. "Don't call my husband," I said as soon as the paramedics put me in the ambulance.

"Why not?" One of the paramedics asked and the other one slapped him.

"Her husband is in a very important game," she explained and I laughed.

"You know who I am," I stated and she smiled.

"Kinda hard not to," she responded unapologetically. She took out a portable ultrasound to check where the babies were. "You didn't mention it's twins," she said.

"Sorry," I said as the ambulance came to a stop. They took me into the hospital, and into a delivery room. I took my phone out and texted Coach Reid who didn't know I was pregnant. I am in the hospital don't tell Zach or Travis until the game is over.

You sure that's a good idea?

Yes. I turned my phone off and put my phone down. The doctor walked in. "Mrs. Kelce, you have gone into labor prematurely which is expected with twins but based on your recent tests I think you'll be here for a while," the doctor explained.

"Okay," I responded to the doctor not sure what else I should say.

"I highly recommend that you let us call someone," the doctor continued. I laid back in the bed.

"I told someone who will inform them after the game. They have to win which means no distractions," I stated and the doctor smiled.

"They are awfully lucky to have you looking out for them," she said. She walked over and grabbed the remote to the TV. "No stress which means I can't let you watch TV, just try and relax," the doctor explained.

Zach POV

We won. Beating the Ravens was a hard thing to do but we pulled through. "White," Coach Reid called me over to him. "I got a text from Violeta and she told me to tell you once the game was over that she is in the hospital," he explained. The doctor told us to expect premature labor since we were having twins.

"I'm leaving," I said before I ran away.

Coach Reid POV

After giving Zach the news he looked more happy than upset. Travis walked over to me with Taylor glued to his side. "Where's he off to?" Travis asked looking in the direction that Zach ran.

"Violeta is in the hospital," I said. Taylor and Travis both smiled and I looked at them confused. "Okay, what's going on?" I asked them.

"She's in labor," Travis whispered. How did I not know that she was pregnant? They both ran off discretely and they were gone. I guess I know why she hasn't been to any games this season.

Violeta POV

I checked the time and I knew that the game had to be over. As if on cue, Zach walked into the room. "I cannot believe you," Zach said as he walked over and kissed me.

"How was the game? The doctor told me I wasn't allowed to watch," I asked. I was really hoping that they did well and the smile on his face said everything I needed to know.

"We won, Vi," Zach said with the biggest smile on his face. Zach hadn't decided when he was retiring but his contract was up this year and it would be one hell of a way to go out.

"Congratulations," I said and he rested his forehead against mine. I was told that quite a few people were in the hospital with us but the doctor wouldn't let any of them come into the room with us.

I was in labor for around 14 hours before the first baby was born. It was a boy. The doctor cleaned him off and wrapped him in a blanket before giving him to Zach. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes. They were a few shades lighter than Zach's.

The second baby was born seven minutes later. It was a girl. She was wrapped in a blanket and then placed in my eyes. She had green eyes that were a few shades darker than mine. They were both absolutely adorable. It was in that moment that I realized Zach and I had never really decided on names.

Taylor, Travis, and my parents walked in to meet the babies. All of them walked over to see the babies but my dad came to see me first. "How you doing sweetie?" Dad asked me. I smiled.

"I'm great, dad. Other than the fact that neither of them have names, it's going great," I mused and he smiled. He kissed my head and hugged me. Taylor walked over to me and my dad walked away to meet his grandkids.

"They are adorable. How you doing?" Taylor asked. I moved over and Taylor laid down next to me.

"Better," I said.

"What are their names?" Taylor asked me and I laughed.

"No idea, we'll figure it out hopefully," I said and Taylor laughed.

"You always do," Taylor said and Zach came over to us.

"So Taylor," Zach paused and we both looked at him. "How would you like to be the twins Godmother?" Zach asked her. I turned to look at her and her entire face lit up.

"Yes a thousand times yes," Taylor said as she hugged me and Zach laughed. We had talked about it before and I knew that I wanted her to be the kids Godmother but I wasn't expecting Zach to be the one to ask her.

Authors Note

What do we want to name the twins? I was thinking about maybe naming them after people or events or idk. Opinions are welcomed.


Should their last name be Kelce or White-Kelce?

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