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Tree POV

For everyone's sake, I needed to figure this out and fast.  I traced the first article posted back to a publishing firm in New York so I drove there.  I was likely to be stone walled but I needed to at least try.  "Hello, I am looking for Veronica Stapling," I said when I walked in.  

"I was really hoping Violeta would make the trip herself but you'll do.  Come into my office," a woman said.  I followed her and the name outside the office was in fact Veronica Stapling.  She sat down behind her desk and waited for me to sit down.  "So, I assume you want to know who my source is," Veronica stated.  

"That and what ever you meant by hoping to see Violeta," I answered.  I put my guard up because she seemed to have a personal problem and I would not get her get anything out of me.  

"I am so sorry but I can not reveal my confidential informant," Veronica was smirking.  

"Out of curiosity did you pay this informant of yours?" I asked and she laughed.  

"Like any of Violeta's friends would ever be paid off.  You seriously underestimate her ability to judge a person's character," she paused.  I looked at her confused.  "Do I really have to spell it out for you?  I blackmailed my informant so I guess its not really an informant."  I just nodded, I needed a plan and I needed it fast.  

"Why go through so much trouble?" I asked and I noticed her expression change.  

"Do you not know who I am?" I shook my head and she rolled her eyes.  "Violeta Kelce ruined my life.  I should be rich not her, she doesn't deserve it.  I have been trying to bring her down for years and I finally have the upper hand," she ranted.  

"What do you mean?  Violeta is self made," I asked confused.  This woman was not making any sense.  

"She stole something from me that I never thought could be stolen.  I plan to do the same to her.  She is going to lose every penny and every relationship that she has.  When I am done with her, she will have lost everything," Veronica stated and I rolled my eyes.  "You don't think I can do it?"

"No.  I think that it could be possible for you to steal her money but the people that he surrounds herself with, will never turn on her.  No matter what you say to them to them, they won't turn their backs on her," I stated before I got up and walked out.  This was going to be a huge problem and I needed to tell Violeta immediately.  

Violeta POV

We were eating dinner when my phone started ringing.  I gave my phone to Zach to ensure that I didn't answer anyone but when he looked at the phone, he answered it.  "We have a problem," Tree's voice rang through the speaker.  

"Elaborate," I said.  

"Basically, the reporter is blackmailing someone in your inner circle and has been accumulating information on you for years.  She is determined to tear your life apart.  Violeta, she hates you but its personal.  She said that you stole something," Tree explained.  

"I don't know who your talking about," I said.  I haven't stolen anything from anyone, I don't think.  I don't really know what that could be about.  

"Her name is Veronica Stapling," Tree said.  I had no idea who that was and I looked at Zach.  All of the color had drained from his face and I looked at him with a questioning gaze.  

"Veronica Stapling, reporter in New York?" Zach questioned.  He had to know who she was.  

"Yes, do you know her?" Tree asked and Zach sighed.  

"I am so sorry, Violeta.  This is all my fault and I promise I will fix it," Zach started rambling and I stopped him.  

"Who is she?" I asked and Zach looked at me apologetically.  

"I met her in college.  We were friends freshman year and we started dating at some point between sophomore and junior year.  I cheated on her," Zach said.  The dates were running through my head and my eyes were wide.  

"With me," I stated and his eyes closed.  "Okay, did you figure she is blackmailing?" I asked Tree, who was still on the phone.  

"Not exactly but since she is based in New York, I would assume that it is either Kayley or Lana," Tree said.  "That doesn't mean that it is one of them," Tree quickly added.  

"It's Kayley," I said and Zach looked at me confused.  "She is addicted to drugs and she still plays professional sports, that would be a career ender," I explained and they both looked at me.  

"You knew that there was something that could be used against one of them and didn't mention it?" Tree asked.  

"She doesn't know that I know," I stated.  "And it will stay that way.  Tree, I need you to tell Taylor to call me, discretely.  I need her help," I said as I hung up the phone.  Zach still had his eyes shut and his head hung.  

"Zach, I trust you.  I know that you would never cheat on me and I don't blame you for this.  We will get through this and we are going to keep this as quiet as possible.  Zach, don't feel bad," I reassured him.  He stood up and kissed my cheek before he walked out of the room, not saying a word.  I would've stopped him but my phone started ringing.  

"Violeta, I am so glad to be talking to you.  How have you been?  How is it going?"  Taylor started asking more questions than I could comprehend.  

"Taylor, one of Zach's exes is blackmailing Kayley and has been cmpiling information to comepletely destroy me," I stated and Taylor gasped.  

"I am so sorry," Taylor stated.  "You want me to tell you what to do, don't you?" she asked and I gulped.  

"I need advice and right now, you are one of the only people that I trust without question," I stated.  

"I think that you should talk to her, if she has any actual dirt on you then this will be a completely different story," Taylor suggested.  I guess that's what I am doing.  

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