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The next football season, I alternated games. I didn't miss a weekend which I am proud of because it was not an easy task. I had learned how to do my job without actually being in my studio but I have to go in every once in a while for something. I was at the game when the Chiefs were knocked out of the running for playoffs.

"Good game," I say to Travis and Zach. They both have their heads hung and I knew that they thought they could've done better.

"No it wasn't," Travis stated as he blew past me and Zach hugged me. We walked out and he had his arm around me. We drove back to his place in an awkward silence. I knew that he wanted to say something and wasn't. We had just walked in the door and he looked at me.

"Since tonight can't get any worse, I have a question," he said and I knew he was serious. "Do you want to move in with me?" I looked at him and took a deep breath. He rolled his eyes and walked away. I can't just do that, its not that easy. I followed him.

"Sit down," I told him. He looked at me and then he did it. "You can't just ask me that and expect a straight answer. I live in a different state, Zach. I would love to move in with you but I have a lot of things that I would need to figure out before I could even guess as to whether or not it was possible. Now, I am leaving," I stated and walked out. I flew back to New York that night and I know that it was overkill but he needed to at least think about what a difficult thing that would be for me.

Zach POV

What did I just do? I am so stupid. I got in my car and drove to Travis's house if there was anyone who could help me it was him. I knocked on the door and Travis looked confused when he opened the door. "I fucked up," I said as I walked into his house.

"How bad?" Travis asked me.

"She left," I said and Travis's eyes went wide.

"What did you do?" He asked me. He was definitely deciding who's side of this he should be on.

"I asked her to move in with me and then got mad when she didn't say yes," I explained and Travis looked at me.

"She'll get over it but you need to talk to her, which means you need to find her," Travis stated before he pulled his phone out and texted her. "She is in New York or at least on her way so tomorrow get on a plane and make sure that you make this right. Also, I doubt that she broke up with you," Travis said.

"Thank you," I said and then I walked out. I needed to figure out what I was going to say to her.

Violeta POV

I woke up the next morning and I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I was sitting on the couch when I heard a knock at the door and I went to open the door. Zach. I walked away and sat at the kitchen island. He closed the door behind him. "Firefly, I am so sorry and I know that it is a complicated ask. I should have waited until I wasn't already mad. I am so sorry," Zach apologized.

"Zach, if we do this, I want it to be a desicion both of us have to make. I know that there is no way that you can move here, you have to live in Kansas City. I also know that if I move, I need space to work from my home. So we aren't talking me moving into your place, it would be both of us moving into our place. Are you ready to do that?" I asked him. I was still facing away from him and I heard take a few steps forward.

"I would do anything for you, Firefly. You are the love of my life and I will never do something this stupid again," Zach stated. I turned around when he was done talking.

"Then we are moving in together but first we need to find a place and I need time to make a feasible transition to working remote. I have already been preparing to switch for a few months so it shouldn't be long," I stated and he smirked.

"You were preparing for me to ask you to move in?" he asked me. I rolled my eyes and kissed him. Zach went back to Kansas City and talked to a realtor who gave us a few options to tour when I went back. I had everything completely settled in two weeks and I told my team that I would be moving states, which went over better than I thought it would.

Out of the houses we toured, we both loved one so we bought it. It had 5 bedrooms, a pool, and a patio. It's in a gated community, so my security wouldn't have an awful time trying to protect me like they usually do. It was perfect.

Zach moved in and started unpacking and setting up the house while I packed all my stuff up in New York. I packed all of my stuff onto my plane and I was ready to go. Lana was moving in with Kayley so they were well set up and since there was a guest room, they said I was always welcome. 

The media had figured out that I was moving and that Zach put his house up for sale. They were all saying that we got married behind the scenes because that was the only way that I wold move. It was a little ironic actually.

By the time we had the furniture all set up and we were both completely settled, Zach had to go back to practicing in the preseason. I think that we were both just enjoying knowing that we would be seeing each other more often.

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