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The after party was insane.  Of course no one was actually drunk because most of us were not 21 but it was still completely hype.  After the party had died down a little Kayley and I decided to head back to our dorms and chill out a little.  Neither of us were tired at all.  

"I have to give it to you, that plan was crazy smart," Kayley commented.  We had been talking about some of the plays in the game.  

"It was actually crazy risky.  Anything could have happened," I rebutted.  She frowned.  

"You really need to learn how to take a compliment," she stated pointedly.  "Also, when you win Rookie of the Year you better not be like: I don't really deserve this cause that will make me mre mad," Kayley threatened.  

"I am not going to win," I stated.  It was true, I think.  

"You just single-handedly designed a play that ricked the best players on the field and you don't think your going to win it?" Kayley asked me.  

"I don't have the playing time.  It is a mash of everything you have done in the year," I replied, explaining my thought process.  Kayley laughed.  

"That so does not matter but whatever," Kayley mused.  

"I can't believe that the season is over," I thought aloud.  

"I know it feels like it started last week," Kayley agreed.  She yawned after she spoke and I realized what time it was.  We decided that we both needed some sleep.

I woke up the next morning to a text from Taylor.  

Congrats on the big win, Ms. Mastermind

I laughed and responded.

Thanks, Tay.  It was an intense game, I am so glad that we won in the end.  

I knew that Taylor probably wouldn't respond to me until later so I got up and got ready for the day.  I went down to my coach's office to try to figure out when the awards ceremony was.  I knocked on the door.  

"Come in," I heard her yell.  I walked in and she smiled.  

"Do you know when or where the awards ceremony is?" I asked her. 

"It will be either this weekend or next depending on ow difficult it is to choose winners and it'll be in the same hotel as the nominations," the coach responded.

"Thanks, I will let you get back to your stuff," I stated attempting to leave.  

"Wait, I got a phone call.  Apparently, Nike wants to do a brand deal with you, and Kayley" She stated nonchalantly.  I stopped and turned around.  

"What?" I asked shocked.  

"Yeah, they know that basically every air of shoes you guys own are Nike and they want you to help launch a new style of women's athletic sneakers," she explained.  This is so exciting because I really want a new pair of shoes and this means that I wouldn't have to buy them.  

"Yes.  A million times yes," I stated.  The coach laughed.  

"I'll let them know and text you the details, you should go get Kayley," the coach stated.  I practically ran out of there.  By the time I got back to the dorms, my coach had already texted us both the details and when I walked Kayley looked a me with a grin.  

"You got us a brand deal?" Kayley asked me and I laughed a little.  

"Yeah pretty much," I responded.  We both laughed a little and then worked out what we wanted.  Nike had multiple designs and had us pick the one that we liked the best and the color scheme that we both wanted.  

We ended up deciding on an updated version of the Nike Metcons.  It had gold accents and in purple on the side of the shoe, VKKC, was embroidered into the shoe. 

The next day after class, we recorded a commercial and we were each gifted a pair of the sneakers.  Nike also announced that they had made a new shoe and told us that wee could wear the shoes before the official release but not to give any information to the press or to our fans.  

I was getting ready to head to the gym when my phone started ringing.  

Hey Taylor!

Hi, out of pure curiosity did you sign a brand deal with Nike?

I laughed a little.  I did, why?

Because people are posting close ups on the sneakers you are wearing and saying that they haven't been released

Why do people care that much?

You are one of the most influential voices in Women's Sports right now, of course they care

I hadn't realized that

How you handling the paparazzi?

Eh.  It's fine, I don't really care much.  My brothers are worried that someone is going to attack me or something but I really don't think that would happen.  

You would be surprised how crazy some people are.  You should consider getting a bodyguard and now that you have a brand deal you can definitely afford it

Fine, I will think about it.  I just got to the gym, so I have to cut this short

Your season is over

You never stop training that's how winners become losers

Taylor laughed and it made me smile.  Okay, point taken.  Good luck at the awards whenever those are

Thanks.  Bye Taylor.

Bye, Violeta.  

I hung up and headed into the gym.  I was getting a lot more popular and the publicity was becoming slightly annoying a times.  I guess I probably should at least think about getting a bodyguard but like then that would just catapult the fact that I am famous to everyone.  I don't know it made sense in theory but I feel like most people wouldn't actually recognize me in public.  


Author's note:

I am trying to figure out how I want to set up the whole Taylor and Travis relationship if anyone has any recommendations or something they want to see let me know.  I can't guarantee that I will end up writing it but comments are always appreciated.  

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