Canto 11: Lost In The Labyrinth Of Love

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"In the labyrinth of love, we navigate the intricate paths of emotions, sometimes losing ourselves in the twists and turns, only to discover the profound beauty that lies within the depths of our hearts."

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Wuxia Studio

"Nine-ball?" Lin Yiyang raised an eyebrow, noticing Jiang Yang instructing apprentices on the seemingly strange choice. "Competition isn't till April, right?" he recalled, picturing Wu Wei and Yin Guo's past matches.

"Youth tournaments in March," Wu Wei clarified, his usual quiet demeanor softened by the children's presence.

"Ah," Lin Yiyang nodded, taking a sip of his beer. The kids on the sofa bounced with anticipation, eager to chat with their 'little uncle.', "Catch you later, I'm going down for dinner," he excused himself.

Lin Yiyang, returning to his room, bundled up in winter clothes. Barefoot in sneakers, he grabbed his keys and wallet, making a beeline for the exit. Reaching the doorway, he couldn't resist a playful wave at the wide-eyed children before disappearing into the hallway.

Two minutes later, Lin Yiyang found himself back at the familiar ramen joint. The aroma of steaming broth instantly brought back memories. He meticulously ordered the same noodles Yin Guo had devoured, recalling the exact ingredients with his uncanny memory. The familiar warmth of the restaurant, with only a few customers, felt inviting. The owner, a weathered man in his 40s, slid into the seat opposite him, their year-long acquaintance making introductions unnecessary.

Lin Yiyang's fluent Japanese seamlessly blended with the owner's English, creating conversations peppered with laughter and cultural nuances. Their ramen arrived, the rich broth warming them from the inside out.

"Your lady friend last night, quite the beauty," the owner chuckled, peering over his steaming bowl.

Lin Yiyang, mid-slurp, met his gaze with a knowing smile. "Exactly as you suspected."

The owner's eyes widened. "The very one? But when...?"

One time, Lin Yiyang talked about his ideal girl with the owner. The girl, with eyes like a deep abyss catching a firefly's glow, could captivate him in a way no one else had in his twenty-seven years. And he finally met that girl.

"That blizzard night," Lin Yiyang confirmed, remembering the city paralyzed under a blanket of white.

He recounted the story. Leaving Yin Guo safely at the hotel, Lin Yiyang approached Wu Wei's apartment building, a sinking feeling in his stomach. No key. He'd left it locked inside. With the two sisters stranded across town, a night alone seemed inevitable. Thankfully, fate intervened. The familiar warmth of the ramen restaurant beckoned, and the kind owner offered him refuge for the night.

He settled on a makeshift bed of futons, the aroma of simmering broth replacing his usual lullaby. Yet, sleep wouldn't come easily. His mind replayed the earlier scene: Yin Guo, petite and determined, struggling with the box, her bow of gratitude etching itself onto his memory. An unexpected flicker of warmth spread through him. "Friendship," he mused, the word tasting surprisingly sweet on his tongue.

"Ah, the blizzard night. Quite a story." The owner smiled a touch of nostalgia in his eyes. "Last night, when she was here, you didn't utter a word to her."

Lin Yiyang winced, swirling the ice in his glass. "I used to be..." he paused, searching for the right words, " with my words, almost like a blade, leaving unintentional cuts. Especially online, where you miss the nuances of expression, the warmth in someone's eyes. It just led to so many misunderstandings."

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