Canto 69: Back To New York

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"Love is a mystery set to music." - Henry Van Dyke

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: J.C Forester (Mrphysit)

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Yin Guo settled into her plush business class seat, three senior sisters chattering beside her on the left. Across the aisle, Chen An'an and a girl from Dongxincheng occupied the right side. The unfamiliar girl had originally been seated next to Yin Guo, but a quick exchange and a polite smile later, Lin Yiyang now filled that spot.

A subtle hierarchy played out within the cabin. Dongxincheng and Beicheng sported the standard economy class tickets provided by the ball club, while those seeking more comfort in business class had topped up the difference themselves. But even among those who could afford the upgrade, an unspoken rule prevailed.

The coveted business class seats were primarily for senior players and established members. Newcomers like Yin Guo, despite having the chosen comfort of business class, felt more at ease in the casual camaraderie of the back with their fellow juniors.

The imposing baffle is a barrier between her and the lively energy of the team in the economy. She longed to chat with Lin Yiyang before takeoff, but a glance across the aisle revealed a flight attendant hovering by his seat. The attendant, clearly a fan, was bombarding him with questions and compliments, a wide smile plastered on her face.

A wave of self-consciousness washed over Yin Guo. She retreated into her phone, scrolling through social media to distract herself from the awkwardness. As the plane roared down the runway and finally lifted off, Yin Guo took refuge in the restroom. There, she overheard a conversation between two flight attendants discussing Lin Yiyang. The details were juicy his supposed "natural beauty," his refusal for a group photo, and the playful banter between the attendants.

Emerging from the restroom, Yin Guo caught a glimpse of Lin Yiyang through the gap in the business class curtain. He seemed to be looking for her, perhaps sensing her absence. Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them. With a determined stride, Lin Yiyang rose from his seat and crossed the aisle towards her.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Yiyang asked, his voice a low rumble as he pulled back the curtain with a flourish.

Yin Guo caught off guard, fumbled for a response. With a playful glint in her eye, she whipped out her phone and held it upside down, pretending to sign an autograph.

"Just listening to the flight attendant sing your praises," she quipped, her voice barely a whisper. "Heard you're not a fan of group photos? How about an autograph, then?"

Lin Yiyang chuckled, his smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. He leaned in closer, their faces mere inches apart. "Deal," he murmured, a hint of mischief dancing in his voice. "But if I catch you causing trouble again, a kiss is the punishment."

Suddenly, the tranquil moment was shattered as the light blue curtain separating business and economy class was lifted. A silver dining cart, gleaming under the overhead lights, appeared, pushed by a flight attendant whose gaze lingered on them a tad too long. Despite the professional smile plastered on her face, a flicker of gossip gleamed in her eyes.

Yin Guo, flustered, quickly turned and retreated towards her seat. As she settled back in, a strange feeling washed over her. The memory of visiting the restroom felt fuzzy. Had she even gone? Examining her surroundings, she realized with a jolt that she'd been here all along, fidgeting in her seat. A knot of unease tightened in her stomach. What had just happened?

Dinner was served and the cabin lights dimmed, signaling the start of night flight mode. Most passengers succumbed to sleep, the only movement the occasional rustle or hushed conversation. The flight attendants, their duties complete, settled into their designated areas, leaving an air of hushed tranquility in their wake.

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