Canto 92: Teenage's Voice

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"It's never too late to be who you might have been." - George Eliot

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Twins Fantastic

This chapter is dedicated to;

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The roar of the crowd had died down, leaving the arena in an eerie quiet. Even the biggest heroes of the day, their names still buzzing in the air, just wanted one thing - ten minutes of peace.

Lin Yiyang found the perfect perch, a seat with a clear view of the empty stadium. Jiang Yang settled beside him, and Meng Xiaodong claimed the far end of the bench.

The silence pressed in thick, a stark contrast to the roar of the crowd that had just faded away. It felt like the cheers and applause had never even existed.

Lin finally shed his stiff competition uniform, trading it for the comfort of sweats and a t-shirt. He kept his right arm tucked close, a silent acknowledgment of the battle he'd just fought.

With his left hand, he propped himself on the chair, gaze fixed on the empty table bathed in the arena lights. A low murmur escaped his lips, "I wish I could be like you guys,"

Meng Xiaodong offered a wry smile, his eyes mirroring Lin Yiyang's unspoken thoughts. "I've envied your talent since we were kids," he admitted.

Lin Yiyang had always been a prodigy, gliding effortlessly through the ranks, while Meng Xiaodong only grasped success through sheer determination.

Jiang Yang pinched the bridge of his nose, blinking away the sting in his eyes. Ditching his usual glasses for contacts for the day's competition had been a mistake.

Now, his vision blurred at the edges, and a gritty dryness threatened to turn his eyeballs into sandpaper. He glanced at the table, his voice rough with irritation. "Come on, geniuses, what's the hold-up?"

This world was a playground for prodigies. Kids snagged championships at twelve and thirteen. Jiang Yang, a late bloomer, had only joined the club at fourteen. It felt like a handicap, a year stolen from his prime.

True, he'd clawed his way to a national championship a year before Lin Yiyang, sheer grit his only weapon. But the label of 'hardworking' always stuck, a backhanded compliment compared to the effortless brilliance showered upon Lin Yiyang.

Jiang Yang's voice held a hint of suspicion as he turned to Lin. "How'd you manage all these years, huh? Any hidden injuries you haven't shared?"

Lin Yiyang offered a wry shrug. "What athlete doesn't have their scars? Trust me, I've got my fair share, just like you." A flicker of pain crossed his face, a fleeting glimpse into years of wear and tear.

"Hundreds of thousands of repetitions, day in and day out," Lin Yiyang continued, his voice low. "It takes a toll on everyone. Even machines break down eventually." He cast a shadowed look at the table, a silent acknowledgment of the shared burden they all carried.

Meng Xiaodong, who had been a silent observer, finally spoke up. A flicker of concern crossed his gaze as he darted between Jiang Yang and Lin Yiyang.

There was a history between Jiang Yang and Meng Xiaodong, years of unspoken rivalry. He knew Lin Yiyang better than anyone. "Lin Yiyang," he said, his voice laced with concern, "What are you trying to tell us?"

Meng Xiaodong's bombshell dropped next, his voice barely a whisper. "I had surgery too, at the end of the year before last." A heavy secret revealed only to the two men he considered brothers.

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