Canto 32: Separation!

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"Distance, both physical and emotional, can be a heavy burden to carry."

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Twins Fantastic

Yin Guo stood by the sink, the words "trust me" echoing in her ears like a lullaby. Their simple sincerity disarmed her completely, leaving her vulnerable and strangely exposed. A wave of guilt washed over her, the sharp sting of regret for targeting those with pure hearts. Yet, a flicker of doubt danced in her eyes, a silent question lingering in the air.

Their sport, she knew, demanded refinement and courtesy. It craved gentlemen, the epitome of chivalry. Yet, the men surrounding her seemed ordinary beneath the veneer.

In unguarded moments, the cracks in their facade appeared, snide remarks exchanged, veiled comments towards women, conversations dripping with hidden agendas. Of course, exceptions existed, like his cousin and Li Qingyan, who carried themselves with quiet dignity.

Yin Guo couldn't reconcile the present Lin Yiyang with his past self. His own words painted a picture of a reckless, unfiltered boy – the kind who wouldn't hesitate to bend or break the rules. Memories surfaced: classmates lounging on the parallel bars, smoke curling from hidden cigarettes, a group swaggering by the school gates, the echo of fights in dimly lit billiard halls. He was everything she once disdained.

Yet, beneath that rough exterior, a different Lin Yiyang seemed to exist. When his bravado subsided, and his words held sincerity, he possessed an undeniable magnetism.

Five days. Just five days until they would meet again. The wait was agonizing, a yearning thrumming beneath her skin.

The platform buzzed with activity, but Lin Yiyang felt isolated. He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for Yin Guo's reply. Stepping back into the subway, he feared losing the signal and missing her response. It was only one stop away from her hotel, still within the bustling city center. Yet, amidst the hurried crowd, his attention snagged on a lone figure.

A street performer knelt on a worn blanket, rhythmically beating a tambourine, their voice weaving through the indifferent city symphony. Hardly anyone stopped to listen, their movements a blur as they hurried towards their destinations. Except Lin Yiyang. He paused, drawn to the raw emotion in the music, and for a moment, stood in quiet accompaniment to the lone drummer.

The chime of his phone broke the spell. A message. His heart leaped as he read Yin Guo's screen name.

Red Fish: I'll see you off at the train station, go out now, see you at the train station."

A smile bloomed on his face, warm and genuine, pushing away the earlier anxiety. The announcement echoed through the station, signaling the arrival of another train. A surge of teenagers poured out, their excited chatter mingling with the rhythmic thump of a bass drum.

They were young fencers, their equipment glinting under the harsh platform lights. As they passed, two girls with midnight hair turned, lingering glances betraying their curiosity. Their lips moved silently, seemingly commenting on Lin Yiyang's striking appearance a rare sight of black hair and dark eyes amidst the diverse cityscape.

But Lin Yiyang remained oblivious. His gaze fixated on the screen, a flicker of relief chasing away the earlier tension. He met Yin Guo's message with a single sentence, spoken in a hushed tone, almost lost amidst the surrounding din.

Lin: I'm at the next stop. Don't get off the train.

Yin Guo stumbled into the closing subway car, chest heaving. Three seconds of self-reflection offered a single, unsettling word, infatuated. She replayed the events in her mind, searching for the moment her perception shifted. Surely, it came before the wine.

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