Canto 61: Misunderstanding

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"The deepest wounds are often inflicted by words unspoken and emotions unexpressed." - Roy Croft

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: J.C Forester (Mrphysit)

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"This person is very nice, is that his child?"

Yin Guo, already flustered, shook her head, "He just graduated and hasn't married yet."

The little girl's sobs gradually faded. Yin Guo, seizing the opportunity, escaped upstairs and sent a message, her phone clutched tightly.

Fruit in the Forest: What did you say to the child? Why is she crying so hard?

Lin: Saying that the little aunt doesn't like her,  (teasing emoji)

Fruit in the Forest: ... (speechless emoji)

When Yin Guo and her aunt returned, the only empty seats were next to Li Qingyan. A silent agreement passed between them, maneuvering them into an uncomfortable proximity.

Ever since Lin Yiyang's arrival, a knot of unease had tightened in Yin Guo's stomach. The fear of her mother meeting Lin Yiyang was a constant weight.

As if fate had a cruel sense of humor, the very thing Yin Guo dreaded came to pass. The waiter ushered in a group, and the first to appear was Lin Yiyang, a little girl clinging to him. From their vantage point, Yin Guo and Li Qingyan were the first to see him. Lin Yiyang, too, spotted them instantly.

Before stepping upstairs, he'd self-consciously pulled on a coat, hiding the colorful array of temporary tattoos on his arms.

The moment their eyes met, Li Qingyan froze, a flicker of surprise crossing her face.

"Do you know him Qing Yan?" someone piped up.

"Yes..." Li Qingyan's voice was a strained whisper. "He and Meng-ge are very familiar and have met."

"So it's not Xiaoguo's classmate?" Auntie interjected with a knowing smile. "He also talked to Yin Guo downstairs, you know."

Yin Guo felt her mother's gaze burning into her.

Taking a deep breath, she stammered, "We met in New York. He was just watching a game," Honesty was paramount, she decided, hoping to avoid a future avalanche of questions.

Fortunately, there's no domestic broadcast of the game, and no one from home sees it.

Yin Guo watched with growing apprehension as Lin Yiyang reached for the teapot, pouring himself a cup of tea. His every move seemed deliberate, each step leading him closer to Yin Guo's table.

Reaching their table, Lin Yiyang bypassed Yin Guo entirely, his gaze fixed on his mother. He raised his teacup in a polite salute, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Miss Wu," Lin Yiyang addressed Yin Guo's mother, "I saw you were here, and with all due respect, I felt compelled to greet you."

A tense silence descended upon the table.

Yin Guo's mother met Lin Yiyang's gaze, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her features. Finally, a smile curved her lips. "This is a family gathering, Mr. Lin. There's no need for such formalities."

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