Canto 28: Unveiling

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"The truth, like a seed, lies dormant until the right moment, then bursts forth, forever changing the landscape."

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: M.H Lovecraft (Enochian_)

The first rays of dawn pierced through the blinds, painting the room with a faint orange glow. At precisely 6:20, a notification popped up on her phone, shattering the fragile silence.

Lin: You can come out when you wake up. I'm in the living room.

Yin Guo dragged herself out of bed, her body heavy with exhaustion. She stole a glance in the mirror, relieved to see her hair wasn't a complete mess despite the sleepless night.

Emerging from her room, she was greeted by a living room bathed in the golden light of morning, a stark contrast to the darkness that had shrouded it the night before. Lin Yiyang, his eyes slightly bloodshot, stood by the counter, brewing coffee. He looked up as she entered, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Come join me," he said, gesturing towards the bar stool. He leaned against the counter, his posture slightly slumped, betraying the weariness that mirrored her own.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

Yin Guo managed a noncommittal hum in response.

Lin Yiyang noticed her gaze lingering on a bag of coffee beans beside him. "Try this," he said, "it should help you wake up."

Yin Guo recognized the packaging. It was from the same shop where she'd helped Zheng Yi pick out coffee beans just a few days ago. But this bag hadn't been there yesterday. A frown creased her brow as she picked it up, the weight of the beans feeling heavy in her hand.

"When did you buy this?" she asked her voice in a hushed tone.

Lin Yiyang avoided her gaze. "Yesterday," he replied, "I made a detour before coming home."

The distance between the train station, their apartment, and a detour didn't quite add up. It felt eerily similar to the time he'd gone to Maboo, supposedly for coffee, only to end up gambling all night. Yin Guo clutched the bag of beans tighter, her heart sinking with a mixture of disappointment and unspoken questions.

The rich aroma of coffee filled the air, punctuated by the rhythmic gurgle of the brewing machine. A frothy brown liquid bubbled over the rim, prompting Lin Yiyang to turn down the heat. He stole a glance at Yin Guo, who was still holding the coffee beans, her gaze fixed on him.

With a sigh, he crouched down and opened the bottom drawer, revealing a hidden stash of coffee packets. Each one boasted a different flavor, a vibrant testament to his efforts.

"Just a few I picked up," he mumbled, his voice laced with a hint of nervousness. "Thought you might want to try them. I usually do, you know, to find the best ones."

Yin Guo's heart softened. She met his gaze, her lips pressed into a thin line, a mix of emotions swirling in her eyes.

Lin Yiyang, unable to hold her stare any longer, flicked his wrist to check his watch, counting down the seconds until he could turn off the burner. "Enough staring," he muttered, his voice barely audible.

Yin Guo's breath hitched as she caught Lin Yiyang's gaze lingering on her reflection in the mirror. Despite her earlier warning, his eyes held a simmering intensity that contradicted his whispered words.

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