Canto 91: Against All Odds

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It's not about how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up and keep fighting.” - Nelson Mandela

Translator: Wuxia Studio, Editor: Twins Fantastic

This chapter is dedicated to;

enchanteur22, and TeresaCasiracan

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As twilight draped the arena, Yin Guo, a warrior queen on the emerald battlefield, joined forces with her sisters-in-arms, Lin Lin and Liu Xiran. Together, they vanquished their opponents, securing the 9-ball team championship – China's fifth gold medal. The weight of dominance pressed down on their shoulders, a golden mantle that gleamed ever brighter.

Exhilaration crackled around them. But for Yin Guo, the victory wasn't just hers. It was a lifeline thrown to the men's snooker team, a silent promise whispered across the stage.

Backstage, the air buzzed with the murmur of post-victory meals. Yin Guo, her smile a radiant echo of triumph, slipped beside Lin Yiyang. In a gesture brimming with unspoken affection, she offered him a morsel of rice. His lips quirked into a tender smile. "Don't worry," he murmured, his voice a caress. "I can still manage to eat my food."

A hush fell over the room. The games were done, and a collective sigh of relief mingled with the clatter of post-victory meals. Players drifted towards their phones, eager to see the online buzz around their triumphs. National pride swelled as they saw headlines celebrating China's dominance.

The Asian Games, though not a global spectacle, held a special significance for these athletes. They were aware of the negativity swirling online about the upcoming snooker matches. A silent pact of support hung heavy in the air – no negativity would reach the ears of their teammates yet to compete.

But a fire burned within them. They scrolled past barbed comments questioning the commitment of the snooker players.

Dismissive remarks like

'Just excuses’

And the cynical jabs about endorsements fueled a quiet determination. These athletes knew the heart of competition, and the dedication it demanded, and they wouldn't let negativity extinguish the spirit of the Games.

Lin Yiyang hunched over his lunchbox, the posture a stark contrast to his usual imposing stature. Two frustrated bites in, he mumbled, "Move a chair, please."

Yin Guo hurried to his side, silently understanding his unspoken struggle. As she helped him adjust his lunch, a pang of worry flickered in her eyes. "One gold, one silver," she began cautiously, "Still not enough for our champion?"

Yin Guo's attempt to lighten the mood hung heavy in the air. Lin Yiyang offered a faint smile, but his answer remained unspoken. Their gazes met a silent conversation passing between them.

"After the games," he finally said, his voice low.

He passed her the lunchbox and utensils, then took a swig of water, the clink of glass echoing the tension in the room.

Tonight, the spotlight would fall on the final match of the Asian Games – the men's snooker team event. The tension crackled in the air, a stark contrast to the casual arrangement of chairs and coffee tables near the arena.

Lin Yiyang strode towards the referee, the Indian captain by his side. The stakes were clear: 12 innings, a grueling test of skill and stamina. Singles matches would pit each player against three opponents, followed by a round of doubles.

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