Paw print 1.

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"Ed?? ED???"

Minho called into the night.
It was dinner time but Ed was nowhere to be seen.

That's strange... he usually comes running when he smells tuna...

Worry started pooling in his stomach. What if something had happened to him? What if he had gotten lost in the woods? Trapped in a shed? Or worse of all... hit by a car?

No. I'm overthinking this. It's probably nothing.

"Eeeeed~" a mocking voice reached his ears and he glared up at his neighbor's balcony, meeting a pair of trickster eyes.

Jisung showed him his tongue:
"Who's Ed? Your ex boyfriend? Did you get dumped, neighbor?"

Minho just flipped him off:
"Fuck you"

That annoying freak was the last thing he needed right now.


"Where's your lil beast, Ji? I haven't seen it all day and it usually sticks to you like glue"

Jisung shrugged, passing his joint to the next guy in the circle:
"Ozzie's an explorer... an adventurer... he'll be back eventually, probably with some prize for me"

"Like a dead rat" Lix chuckled.

"He's metal like that" Ji smirked in response.

"What about your neighbor?" asked a handsome man with ferret eyes:
"He looks... interesting"

Jisung snorted:
"Yeah he looks interesting but he really isn't trust me. He's just a party pooper, always sooo serious"

"If you say so... Anyway, the band..."


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