Paw print 22.

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Minho twisted his hands togheter as he waited for the bartender to finish putting togheter Jisung's favorite drink.

The warmth of that hug along with that joyous sparkle in Jisung's eyes filled him, as real as if they were still happening.

Minho sighed deeply, unable to stop himself from smiling.

Jisung truly had been awesome.
But awesome pheraps wasn't enough.

He had been... spectacular.

Another star that shines too bright for me

Minho could already see it: Jisung would get sucked up into the glories of being rich and famous, lost between shows and interviews, moving farther away from him...

But for some reason not even this vision made him want to leave.

Because despite everything, Jisung was a comet Minho wanted to witness the entire course of. He wanted to see it shine, light up the sky and stand there, even farther away, in awe.

"Penny for your thoughts?" asked a voice that second.

Minho met Jisung's eyes and copied his shy smile:
"You burn like a star when you're on stage" he explained:
"I never thought I'd say this but... I admire you, neighbor"

Ji's eyes sparkled again as he tried to hide the wide smile that was tugging at his lips then he let his head flop on Minho's shoulder.
The contact, even tho simple, felt so intimate that Minho's heart skipped a beat.

"And I never thought I'd say this but... thank you. I would've never burned so bright without your help"

The two sighed in unison, glad of the other's presence.

Their journey had just begun.


Heart shaped paws °•Minsung•°Where stories live. Discover now