Paw print 3.

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"He's my boy, I'm not letting you do this alone"

"I want to do this alone, Jisung"

"Well, too bad. I won't let you find him first and steal him from me. I'm coming too"

And that's how the two neighbors had found themselves scouring the area togheter, listing places where to look and people to ask to.

"I swear you're only doing this to annoy me. You didn't care until yesterday" Minho accused Jisung, still pissed.

"Well that sure is a positive trait of this experience, yes. I just had more faith in my son than you, is all"

"My son"??

"He's my cat. He was mine before he was yours, he chose me"

"Ah yeah? And do you have proof for that?"

"....Fuck you"

"Thought so"

"Besides, I bet he liked me better"

And as the conversation flowed like this they found themselves at the edge of the forest. An acquaintance of Minho's lived there and he thought asking just couldn't hurt.

So they rang the bell.

an old lady appeared in the crack of the door and smiled big when she saw Minho.

"Ohhh it's the gentleman... have you come to keep me company? Come in, come in... I have tea"

"I'm so sorry miss but not this time... I'm kind of busy"

There and then the lady noticed Jisung:
"Oh! Is that a friend??? Oh, Min you never bring any of those around, I was starting to think you didn't have 'em"

At that she laughed loudly. Min and Ji just let out an awkward chuckle.

Makes sense that he wouldn't have any friends, he's so boring

Jisung forced himself to think but something still tugged at his heartstrings.

"So anyway, what can I help you with, darling?"

"Yeah right. So... we're looking for a cat" he started.

"Tiny, orange... with green eyes" Jisung continued.

The lady seemed to light up instantly.

"Now that you mention it, I have seen a kitten like that. He seemed hurt... headed for the forest"

Minho's heart dropped in his stomach.

"HURT!?" Jisung exclaimed:

But the old lady just sighed and shook her head:
"It was dark, boys... Couldn't make it out properly"

"Thank you, miss. Really"

She smiled softly:
"I hope you can find him... before it's too late..." 


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