Paw print 20.

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"Oh god, I'm so nervous" whined Felix under the weight of a heavy leather jacket and multiple chains.

"Hey, you guys practiced to the point of exhaustion... you did all you could. It's all in the hands of those record company officials now"

Jisung couldn't help but stare, barely paying attention to what he was doing, at Minho's attempts to calm Felix down. His neighbor's hair looked fluffier than usual and those clothes.... so casual. Jisung was too used to seeing him in suits. Like this he almost looked approachable.

He shook those thoughts out of his head.

Band. Songs. Music. Performance. Company officials. I can do this.

"Jeez... is Lix always this stressed?" asked Min that second, appearing next to him.

Ji smiled:
"Nope... he's usually pretty carefree... but this time it's different"

"How are you feeling? Bet you're shitting your pants right now"

"Oh, fuck you"

They pushed eachother around a bit, stupid grins decorating their faces.
Jisung felt a little more hopeful.

"And here they are, the famous Stray Kids"

"Chan, goodevening"

Ah, so this must be the aquaintance Minho convinced to give us a chance

Jisung thought looking up in awe at the older man. His presence was the one of a leader: confident smile, wide stance; he acted like he owned the place and everyone looked at him with respect.

Not Min tho. Min's gaze almost seemed...nostalgic.

"Jisung, Chan. Chan, Jisung" he said:
"Ji's my neighbor and Chan...well..."

He started trailing off but the other picked up right where he left:
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm his ex"


But Minho didn't have time to elaborate or explain anything because he was suddenly kicked out of backstage by security announcing that the show was about to start.


Heart shaped paws °•Minsung•°Where stories live. Discover now