Paw print 15.

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Jisung bitterly laughed:
"Oh, no. I can't"

"But why? You have the band already... you just need to invest more into it"

"I just can't, Min..."

He looked so defeated...
Minho didn't get it.

"But it's your dream... how can you give up on it like that?"

"I just have to." Jisung said with a cold voice:
"See... my parents-"

His voice died down.

What am I doing? Am I really spilling my deepest issues to my neighbor right now?

And yet, the more he looked into those dark brown eyes, the more he felt inclined to continue. There was no judgement in them... just a wish to understand.

"I come from a family of doctors. My mum is a doctor. My dad is a doctor. My aunt is a doctor. My grandfather is a doctor. Hell, even my sister is studying to become a doctor. I mean, you get it. Ever since I was little it was expected of me to become a doctor too...and I was taught that if I didn't, I would break my parents' heart and they'd probably disown me"

Jisung sighed:
"You see... I never had another option. Ever since I was born, my story had already been written for me. And after everything my parents sacrificed to give me the right preparation... it felt so... selfish to give it up for such a risky, frivolous career... And now, I passed the test. So I guess I have to, don't I? I'm skilled at it... I can be good at it... sure, it's not my passion and it will never be. But at least my parents will be happy"

Minho listened to all this in silence. He had never thought that such a nuanced, particular person would hide under that cocoon of spikes Jisung usually wore. He had a big heart and a lot of issues to solve... but something still rang true in Minho's mind.

"Ji. I feel this and I know it must be so hard for you to stray from such a clear path. I'm sorry they did this to you..."

Jisung scoffed.

I took him here to apologise and look at what he's doing now... God, I'm such a mess...

"...But... It's your dream, Ji. Your dream. Your passion. What you want to do, that matters. I understand wanting to repay your parents for getting you here... but you shouldn't do that by compromising your future for ever... It's clear that med school isn't right for you. You'd be sad there... And what would it be for? Your parents already had their chance to live their life... it's not your responsability to carry their lifestyle on. Besides, your sister is already doing that for them! So... I think you deserve to pursue your own dream"

Jisung was on the verge of tears:
"But- but I'd feel guilty for ever... they'd hate me, they'd disown me... how would I survive without their support... I-"

Minho placed a hand on his shoulder and that warm presence alone seemed to melt his worries away:

"With your band. By becoming famous and selling out stadiums. You have the talent, I know it.
I bet you know it too.
You can do this, Ji. With or without them. And I'll be there, every step of the way to help and support you where they won't"

Jisung let himself cry under the soft wave of those comforting words, rivers of tears as sobs shook his body:
"You promise?"

"I promise."


Heart shaped paws °•Minsung•°Where stories live. Discover now