Paw print 13.

439 18 1

By the time they got to their houses, Jisung had spent the whole journey thinking and had realised he had been quite harsh on Minho, despite being right.

Ugh... I suck at apologies... what am I supposed to do??

So he forced his brain to think of a way to make ammends without actually having to say the word "Sorry".

"Right. Here we are." Minho said coldly.

The whole situation still wasn't sitting right with him. He was hurt by Jisung's words, even tho he would never admit it and on top of that, scared that he had ruined their blossoming friendship and already constructing walls so that he wouldn't be hurt by the inavitable crash of it all.

"Right..ehm... listen. I ordered chinese takeout yesterday..." Jisung started, scratching his nape nervously as he forced the words out of his mouth:
"But I got the portion wrong and I was wondering..."

Ughhhh why is this so haaaard...

"I was wondering if maybe... you'd wanna come over and help me finish it?"

Minho's eyes widened as the process of building walls around his heart recedeed. He stared at Jisung's clearly embarassed face, at how he was avoiding his eyes, at the slight flush on his ears... and a big smirk appeared on his face.

"Sure, why not"

Relief flowed in both their bodies as they walked that final block, side by side, to Jisung's house.

"It's so you, getting the portions wrong"

"Ah, here he goes. Are you calling me dumb right now?"

"I very much am"

"Oh of course you would! Don't even try to convince me that you've never misclicked a menu before because I don't believe it-"

By the time they entered, Minho's forming walls had complitely obliterated.


Heart shaped paws °•Minsung•°Where stories live. Discover now