Paw print 2.

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A few days later, Minho started printing missing posters. Despite the various attempts of his trusted vet to calm him down he had gone full on mama bear mode and was panicking.

"He's been living on the streets long before knowing you, Min. Ed's capable, trust me" Seungmin had explained.

I mean yeah, that's reasonable

Minho thought.

And yet he layed awake all night, awful scenarios playing and replaying in his mind.


Another pole, another missing poster. At that point he had gotten to the university district and many students were stopping to look at the sweet picture of his orange fluffer.

"Excuse me..."
someone tapped on his shoulder.

He turned and...

"Oh. It's you."

Jisung stated without even hiding his disappointment. Minho's day suddenly became even more sour.

"What do you want?" he asked, eager to get this over with.

"That's my cat" Jisung stated.

Minho stared for a bit, confused.

"That cat. He's my cat." Jisung repeated.

Minho shook his head and scoffed.

"Whatever kind of joke this is, you can cut it out, ok? I'm genuinely worried about him"

Jisung's face scrunched up:
"I'm not joking you small minded idiot. That is my cat. His name is Ozzie, he loves tuna and he's a little troublemaker. I thought he was gonna come back eventually but...he hasn't yet"

Minho placed his face in his hands, that day was getting so much more complicated by the second.

Ok, yes. Ed likes tuna and he's a troublemaker too but that's pretty standard cat things, it's probably not the same cat

"Look, Jisung. I'm sure you're mistaken... there are many strays in this area and I swear this is my cat. His name is Ed, not Ozzie"

But Jisung wouldn't budge.

"I'm 100% sure that's my Ozzie"

At that he pulled his left sleeve up, showing an accurate tatoo of the stripes Ed had on top of his head.

"I know my cat when I see him"
he ended.

Well, fuck.


one update a day?
(I'll try)

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