Monkey business (47)

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Realistically, Kai could have dragged out this for much longer, getting much more out of the arrogant wolf. But it's not like Kai was the only one from Earth, tactics used in wars on his home planet could have already been shared between the moon beasts. So Kai gave in and shared his spectacular plan before anyone else could have spoiled it.

"Guerrilla warfare" Kai began. "It was used quite a bit back where I'm from, the basic concept is swif and precise attacks made by small groups on unsuspecting targets. The best part about this whole thing is that you don't need many attackers for it to work properly."

Grinning, Kai nods his head at the wolf, ignoring the look of realisation dawning in Wa'raks yellow eyes.

"You and me, that's all we need."

Wa'rak's eyes narrowed, as if contemplating to just give up on the red-haired boy before him.

"I'm sure I can do fine by myself-"

"Nope, I'm going with you."

Firmly stating his plan, Kai watched as the black wolf get agitated. But Kai wasn't going to back down. To get stronger in a world like this, one had to fight. Sadly, fighting wasn't something he was very good at so teaming up with one of the strongest moon beasts in the Dome along with performing quick attacks on the abominations should make up for his lack of... everything.

Seeing that the boy wasn't going yo back down anytime soon, Wa'rak relented, letting out a tired huff and stating:

"Fine, but if you die it's your fault."


Deep within the shadows of the forest, a group of abominations were patrolling the area a fair distance away from the cavern entrance. One of the abominations, the quarter moon one, resembled an oversized ant while the others resembled smaller versions of the tentacles blob which attacked Kai.

The abominations didn't move much, only occasionally moving around a few meters every once in a while as to not get givin out to by that pesky human which their Lord had favoured.

The ant abomination, which had a bit too much personality to be called a crazed fanatic of the moon, watched its bloby siblings follow it around. The sight of the fleshy monsters honestly didn't appeal to the big ant, mostly because the ant wasn't really a normal abominatiom.

One of the humans in the cavern had the ability to increase the Will of beasts. A pretty useless ability, except it worked a little to well on a certain ant abomination.

The ant couldn't help but feel disgusted by the sight of its siblings. They had no free will, fated to blindly follow the Lord and those above him.

Sadly, those horrid siblings would be the last thing the ant would ever see.

Something launched down from one of the trees above, moving too quickly for the ant to track. It was only as the quarter moon abominations head started to sag that it realised it was too late.

Whatever attacked the ant abomination disappeared back into the shadows just as its head fell to the ground, gore spilling out its fleshy body.

The second attack though, was much more sloppy. Another figure pounced down from the trees above, landing on one of the crescent moon abominations, promptly crushing it under its weight as it drew the attention of the other abominations.

The figure was near eight feet in height, hair covering its massive body and had a gray bodysuit tightly wrapped around its mass. The unsightly thing had sharp claws extending from its hands as it snarled and made a dash for the next abomination.

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