Realisation (90)

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It all began one of the first days of stage three of the tutorial, when both Kai and Noelle were nearly killed by Creepy and Beefcake. After realising he had been lead into a trap, Kai had got lost in Creepy's weird smoke, then ended up nearly getting incinerated by the moon.

But he didn't, the tree tops moved to protect him, something had commanded them to protect him. Whatever it was that saved his life, Kai was incredibly grateful for it

Then, the same thing that commanded the tree tops to move to protect Kai commanded the tree tops to subject the abomination that chased him to the same torture he just went through, allowing Kai to keep slashing it with his dagger until he was eventually able to kill it.

That was when Kai first realised the forest was alive and just how dangerous the environment really was.

His journey after that had been much eerier, scarier and Kai just didn't feel safe when surrounded by trees that could potentially end his life just my moving their tree tops a few inches.

But he survived and made it to the Dome, where he was properly introduced to Failure.

Failure was... a man. Kai did not really have a proper way to describe him. Failure was anything that people wanted to see him as, he could shift his personality to whatever people needed him to be. That was not a bad thing though, it's what Kai needed at the time.

Failure revealed that the forest was grown from a long deceased Princess Ethania's will to protect the beasts from the Eye of the Moon's wicked revenge for her rejecting his perverted advances.

Of course, it was the same Eye of the Moon that created the abominations to exterminate the beasts that Ethania was protecting.

Honestly, that God seemed to have an ego that was way too big for his own good.

The story was heartbreaking, and believable, up until Kai found Ethania's diary, that is.

And inside, was Ethania's Will.

How could a forest born out of Ethania's will be born if her will was stored in a bead inside a diary hidden inside a tree in the first place?

Of course, there's the argument that the bead was what formed the forest, but Failure made it abundantly clear that the Mother Tree was the source and origin of the vast forest.

That meant Failure lied about the origin of the forest.

As for why, Kai had yet to put the pieces together, that was what he was doing right now.

There's also the fact that Failure knows quite a lot about the history of the forest and the kingdom that Ethania was the princess of, meaning that Failure had to be alive at the time or at least alive around that time period.

But how could he have survived?

The curse laid upon the moon was one that was placed by a God, a being with indescribable power, how could Failure just casually survive that?

It could have to do with the fact that Failure had some sort of split personality, but did he really?

There were times where Failure was the energetic, charismatic man that dutifully lead the army, invigorating them with hope and the idea of victory.

But there were also the times where Failure looked like a living corpse. Sullen face, tired eyes, unkempt hair, he looked like he was on the verge of death while dangling two legs over the gap.

How could he switch so drastically in such a short span of time, to keep switching between life and death so casually and randomly?

Kai would get to that.

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