Survivors (105)

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Kai howled in pain as his left arm was disintegrated by the Demon's attack. A gaping hole was left in the side of his chest while blood rapidly poured out of the wound onto the grass below, tainting it to a dark shade of red.

Failure had a much less reasonable reaction, only letting out a small grunt and a wince. Still, he was not happy with what had just happened.

After the Demon saw a chunk of the moon get ripped out, it went berserk and started screaming about how it was a despicable action to 'touch the Lord's creation in anyway.'

It then went on a rampage as its spread out its aura, completetly immobilising all off Failure's creations, allowing it to engage the man one on one.

Failure managed to deflect and dodge properly now that he wasn't straining himself by trying to rip a literal chunk out of the moon, meanwhile it had also lessened the strain on Kai's soul, allowing him to keep the cracking orb more intact than previously.

That didn't mean he didn't have his fair share of work cut out for him, because after every blow the Demon and Failure traded, another crack appeared in his soul, leaking more and more gray wisps out.

But after the Demon was unable to project its rage and utterly destroy Failure and Kai, it turned its rage on something that it could destroy.

It had managed to launch Failure backwards in the air with how hard it had swung its axe, which was looking a little worse for wear at this point. It had numerous bits of its flesh chipped out, but the light in its full moon eye still did not dull.

Then, the Demon had turned around and tried to eradicate the Dome filled with all the survivors.

This was where the problem came in.

Of course, they were all able to leave by now, they had all received the notification. So Failure needed them to leave, otherwise the world was doomed.

The way this tutorial worked was only the survivors on the winning side were taken into consideration by the gods to give their tutorial world extra time against the Corroding.

Of course, they were perfectly fine with accepting suitable candidates from the losing side, but they wouldn't offer the world that had them in the tutorial any rewards for them.

Meaning, even if all the humans managed to make it out alive, if Aldred died it wouldn't matter, the Corroding would inevitably destroy the world.

The same could also be said for the other way around. If all the humans died but Aldred survived, they wouldn't be given any time and assistance, meaning it all would have been for naught.

So Failure had to give everyone enough time to leave the tutorial while also making sure that Aldred and all the moon beasts, which were not allowed to leave the tutorial, stayed alive.

Which was a tall order, especially now that there was a meteor about to destroy the forest anyway.

But when the Demon went to attack the dome protecting all the beings that Failure was relying on, he could still sense that majority of them were still in there.

Meaning if the Demon was able to land its attack, all of this would have been for naught. Their would would eventually be destroyed while Failure continued to suffer the continuous effects of the Corroding and the torturous gaze of the moon, while he would have also lost his closest companion, Aldred.

So Failure done what he had to do.

Of course, he did ask Kai first, considering it was his body and all and Failure knew they would not get out of blocking an attack like that unscathed, but Kai had long accepted the fact he was going to get injured, so he quickly just said yeah so he could go back to repairing the cracks in his soul.

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