I want to win (101)

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Kai was shocked by everything he had seen so far.

After Failure had possessed his body, he was basically just watching a movie play out. A very dangerous movie, mind you, one that could very well end up in his own death if it went wrong.

But it was still breathtaking nonetheless.

Watching the dome be created and come to life was absolutely mind-boggling. It would have been completely dark in the newly created dome, but Failure had managed to angle the top of the wooden structure so perfectly that slivers of light slipped through, successfully illuminating the vast area while still not affecting the surrounding area.

Even watching Failure fight the Demon was a mind-blowing thing to witness. The constant clashing of their respective blades, the countless wooden creations that were attacking the Demon from all angles with all sorts of different properties. Kai was incredulous at everything he was witnessing.

Sadly, not all was meant to go well.

After the Demon released its aura at full strength, Kai let out an agonising howl of pain as he gripped at his chest.

It was like there was two layers to himself. One was his actual body, which was still being controlled by Failure as he continued to engage the Demon in their vicious clash that would only end once one or the other was dead.

But there was also Kai. He still had a body, but he was more of a spirit at the current moment. He couldn't really see himself, but he could feel himself moving.

The was why the pain was so horrible, so harrowing, so agonising.

Kai resisted the urge to cry as he howled in pain once more. After the Demon's aura had hit him, there had been a crack, then greivous pain.

But what had even cracked for him to end up in this much pain, the last time he felt pain like this was when-

Even after realising what had happened, Kai didn't feel much better. Pushing through the pain, Kai activated Soul Sense and focused on his soul.

The pale gray orb was still floating in the centre of his chest, but now there was something different about it, something Kai didn't know if he should be slightly worried or absolutely terrified about seeing.

Along one of the sides of his soul, a thin line ran up along the side of its body. Faint gray wisps spilled out of the tiny crack, making Kai wince in pain.

His soul, to put it frankly, was breaking. That one crack was already spilling out some of his soul, and that fact made Kai extremely scared.

What would happen if one were to lose portion of their soul? Would they be the same person? Would their personalities change? Or would they grow substantially weaker? Did it work like blood loss where if someone lost too much then they would die?

None of those options sounded pleasant to Kai, in fact, all of them sounded rather terrible.

But what could he do?

He couldn't ask Failure for help as he was trying to reset all his creations that had been temporarily disabled by the Demon flaring its aura.

He couldn't ask Aldred for help as the gray wolf was still inside the wooden dome with all the other humans and beasts, meaning he couldn't exit unless he also wanted to become a victim to Failure's domain.

So all Kai could do was pray that Failure killed the Demon quick enough so he could promptly leave Kai's soul and offer him some high grade medicine, that should make this whole ordeal worth it-

Kai's eyes widened in horror as he caught a glimpse of something completetly unexpected and completetly dire happening inside his soul.

The gray wisps that had been slipping out the crack in his soul had only grown stronger and thicker, but what was worse than that was what was currently making its way for the crack.

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