Scam (113)

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There was still three more classes for Kai to get through before he would make his choice, and who knows, maybe he would even get offered a legendary one.

Hopefully, he would get offered a legendary one.

Awakened Beastial Fusioner (Rare)

Another Rare class, but maybe Rare classes this time were as good as Epic or even Legendary classes that were offered before. Sure, Kai might be consoling himself that two of the four offered classes were Rare, but that was only because he had been pampered with an Epic class early on. What percentage of people would be able to say that? Realistically, majority had to have had a Common or Uncommon class, not everyone would be offered a Rare or Epic class.

So Kai simply just read the description of the class so he could be sure.

To be a beast is to be wild, but being wild is not the same as being a beast. Allows the user to further increase their stats whenever they fuse with an otherworldly creature of the beast variety. When in a fused stat, the user will also have the effects of their skills amplified slightly while having the cost of them reduced minorly. User's skill Contract of Artemis will also receive an upgrade, allowing it to contract another creature, and when contracted, new creature will receive 5 levels instantly. Provides +10 Strength, +10 Dexterity, +10 Constitution, +10 Stamina, +10 Mana and +10 Unasigned stat points per level.

Well, this class was certainly a little different. It seemed that always fusing with Umbra had opened up a new class option for him, considering it was to do with beasts. So that meant that there was different varieties of otherworldly creatures, and that Umbra was a beast type.

Is it kind of like pokemon? No, there wouldn't be that many types... I think..

Still, the class mainly went around strengthening his fusion with Umbra and making them even more of a weapon than they already were. Increased stats meant Indomitable would be even stronger, increased effects of skills meant Indomitable would be stronger, even the fact that it reduced the cost of skills minorly made Indomitable stronger. Hell, it seemed like the system just really liked when Kai used Indomitable.

This was also the first class Kai had seen that offered him to upgrade a skill while also upgrading class.

Honestly, he wasn't even sure what would have happened if he were to upgrade Contract of Artemis. He had thought that it would just increased the percentage of his stats that he shared with Umbra, but gaining a new slot for a familiar was probably even stronger than that, especially if he could convince his master to give it Grace of The Ever-changing like he had done with Umbra.

So far, Kai thought he would pick this class over the Beacon of Hope one. While it seemed that this class was offered because of his relationship with Umbra, the previous class was definitely offered because of his relationship with Failure, how the charismatic man acted as a beacon for those around him.

However, Kai wasn't going to make the choice until he had looked at all the classes.

And the next class had him a little shocked, yet also a little dissapointed.

Statshifter (Unique)

While it was shocking that statshifting warranted its own unique class, Kai couldn't help but feel down.

The fact that there was a class for it meant that Kai wasn't the first Statshifter in existence, there had been some before him.

Honestly, it's not like he had assumed he was the first, but the idea of moving stats in your soul did seem a little preposterous on paper, enough so that Kai thought it would at least be a rare ability.

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