Mind peeking (70)

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The scenery slowly changed around him as Kai got closer and closer to the centre of The Dome. The moonlight got brighter, there was less shadows and the overall mood of the area felt cheerier.

There was still people who had yet to go to sleep in preparation for tomorrow. They drank, ate and laughed. Kai had been like that earlier, but now he just wanted to rest.

The woman he saved fell asleep in his arms a few minutes ago, her head was resting peacefully against his chest. Her breathing was peaceful when in comparison to how it was earlier. The stress of everything must have had her absolutely exhausted.

One thing Kai had learned was that the woman was incredibly weak. She seemed to have no offensive skills, no items to use and even no innate ability. Kai began to wonder if the man picked her as his target because of those factors or she just got extremely unlucky.

Kai's arms had yet to grow tired, which was a pleasant surprise. It was probably due to the effects of massively increasing his strength with statshifting. If he hadn't, he probably would have had to drop her much earlier.

Another thing that had surprised Kai when he left the shadows of the small forest was a notification that appeared on his status.

The Ever-changing has granted a generous amount of XP for that splendid show of power.

Level 19 reached

It was a shame that he couldn't reach level twenty with that bonus XP, but it's not like he expected to get a level from rescuing that woman anyway. Still, he won't be able to get a new skill until after the was tomorrow.

But while he may have been complaining slightly, he was inwardly happy. When his master said that they wouldn't be able to speak for a while, he assumed that they meant no communication at all.

So he was happy to see that notification. It was like they were telling him what he did tonight was the right thing to do. Then again, it's not like he needed to get XP to know that what that man was wrong.

The small forest was slowly growing smaller and smaller in the distance. At one point when they were leaving, Kai thought he heard a laugh echo from in the darkness between the trees, but unless the man woke up and actually had gone crazy, there should have been no one laughing.

A melancholic feeling washed over Kai as he walked. Tomorrow could be the last day of his life, yet he couldn't really describe how he felt. It was impossible to put into words, but something inside him felt... off.

That strange feeling kept persisting, but Kai ignored it. It felt as if it was coming from his soul, but he was nowhere near proficient enough to understand what it was trying to say.

Soon, Kai arrived to the target of this journey.

Failure's cabin.

Pushing open the wooden door, Kai was shocked to see that the interior was already different to how it was just a few hours ago.

The once spacious grand hall that was filled with beasts, humans and food was back in its original form. A cozy living room with two armchairs beside a crackling fire, the flames dancing in place.

Sighing, Kai once again wondered how this whole house worked. There had to be magic involved, unless it was a rotating room with different rooms behind every wall, there had to be magic.

Surprisingly, Failure was nowhere to be seen. The charismatic brown-haired man wasn't in the living room nor anywhere outside. Unless he's behind one of the various doors that Kai mentally decided to never peek inside, Failure was missing.

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