Garden of Ethania (100)

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Every single tree in the vicinity reacted to Failure's skill as their gargantuan bodies all started shuddering violently. The ground shook intently as countless trees started moving.

The tree tops that had been constantly protecting the being under it from the torturous sunlight of the cursed moon all gave in, their branches swinging wildly. Moonlight immediately started infiltrating the gaps in the shifting tree tops, the image looking like a pure white kaleidoscope.

The branches of countless trees all started intertwining together as some trees even started rising out of the ground.

Cracks as loud as gunshots continued to erupt throughout the vast open area as trees burst out of the ground, their bodies groaning from the fact it was the first time they had moved in possibly thousands of years.

The forest continued to weave together as it rose higher and higher into the air, moonlight still slipping in the gaps.

But Failure paid it no heed as he closed his eyes and concentrated on creating his masterpiece, something he knew inside and out. He had been there for a long time after all.

The countless trees all started sticking together as the shape they were making finally started forming. The foundation was laid, and the higher up the wall of trees and bark went, the more it started to curve. The branches and tendrils weaved together into countless thick braids as the creation rose higher and higher.

More and more of the moonlight that was slipping through the cracks was purged as the trees entagled themselves to support themselves.

After another few moments, the sound of constant cracking came to a halt as the thing the trees were trying to form was completed.

Failure slowly rose higher into the air until he was in the center of his creation, his gaze aimed coldly at the Demon who was still confined to the ground.

Surrounding Failure was a wooden dome of immense size, completetly created out of the trees of the forest.

When he said to Kai that he had no trump cards remaining, it was technically a lie, but wasn't at the same time. He had this one saved, but he was much to weak to even use the skill in the state he was in, the only reason he even had the chance now was because he was currently possessing Kai's body.

"Demon" Failure spat coldly as he lifted his wooden sword above his head, the tip aiming at the roof of the newly created dome.

"You have lived for too long. Your existence is not one that should have even happened in the first place. You were created for the sole purpose of the destruction of this forest, but what gives your perverted lord the right to decide if we should be destroyed or not?"

The Demon chuckled darkly as it looked up at the floating Failure. It shook its hideous head softly before answering:

"Who am I to question the Lord? His will is all that matters. I am his loyal executioner, nothing will change that.

But what? You created some pathetic dome out of your weak trees and now think you stand a chance against me? And you even trapped that wretched wolf in with all the other weaklings, you truly are a failure."

Failure's eyes lit up with a mad glee as he smiled darkly.

"That's where you're wrong, foul Demon. You think it's me that doesn't stand a chance? Well I think it is you that doesn't understand the situation that they are in. After all, this dome that I created...

This is my domain."

Of course, there was another reason that Failure had to make sure that Aldred remained out of the way, a very valid reason at that.

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