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"I've already been sorted into Gryffindor, but Regulus hasn't been sorted yet." The thought kept Sirius up for some time and greeted him in the morning. "What does this mean? Does this mean I've got the chance to save Regulus? But Wizards aren't supposed to meddle with time."

He got up, changing his clothes, not caring about his appearance and instead heading down to breakfast, tense from being back in the childhood home he'd rather not be in, bracing himself to be yelled at for something, anything, but instead, his parents remained silent, focused on their meal, not noticing him or the level of disarray Sirius arrived in.

Nor did they notice when Regulus entered in a similar level of disarray as Sirius. Yet, Sirius noticed, waving at his younger brother, concerned about the uncharacteristic behavior, "But so was what happened last night, yet father acted as if that were normal. Father, who is always so indifferent to what's happening, does that mean anything."

Regulus waved meekly back, the corner of his mouth twitching almost as if to smile, which Sirius found actually to be in character, at least during Regulus' earlier years at Hogwarts.

"I think we shouldn't send Regulus to Hogwarts, dear."

Sirius' eyes widened, completely taken aback by the thought, while his father looked up indifferently. 'What?"

"With what happened last night..."

And then it happened.

Sirius' eyes opened and closed, his mind still registering the telltale sound of his brother Apparating out of the room, the accidental magic taking his younger brother who knew where. He stood up.

"Sirius, sit down."

"Regulus," Sirius said.

"What about your brother?" Walburga said.

And then, in the most childlike manner, Sirius responded by saying, "You're mean!"

"What?" she turned to look at him, her dark eyes cold, her nose in the air.

"Not letting him go to Hogwarts!"

"That's none of your..." she started saying, then, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to look for Regulus!"

"Sirius Orion Black! Finish your..."

"Not hungry!" Sirius yelled, hurrying up the stairs and peeking into Regulus' room, only to find his brother not there. And then he was rushing down the stairs, not carrying the action put the family portraits into a tizzy, heading to the kitchens in the basement where the House Elf's cupboard was, knowing full well how much his younger brother loved that House Elf.

He swung the door open, and Kreacher glared at him. "What does Master Sirius want?'


"Not here, obviously," Kreacher said.

Sirius took a deep breath, moving out into the kitchen area. "Then I search top until bottom until I find him!"

As he worked his way through the house, slowly going up the stairs, even intruding upon his father's study, he didn't see Regulus, but then—

"Sirius, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for Regulus!" Sirius said, turning to look at his father. "Why do you have to be so indifferent?"


"Not caring! He's gone missing!" Sirius said.

"Regulus has gone missing?" Orion said. "Have you checked..."

"I've checked his room, and the cup...."

Sirius didn't expect his father to grab his shoulder, gently guide him up the stairs, arrive in front of Regulus' bedroom, and open the door. "Well, he's certainly not here. Unless he's under the bed."

Sirius' eyes widened, and he went down on all fours, only to find not even dust under the bed as Kreacher, the House Elf, prided himself in keeping the house clean, at least while his beloved masters were alive. "Me not being a beloved master, of course."

"Then how about my study?"

"What?" Sirius looked up, finding himself confused.

"Your brother likes books, but he often goes to my study. It is, after all," Orion took a deep breath. "Soundproofed against you and your mother's arguments."

"So you can escape from them?" Sirius sneered.

"Wipe that look off your face, young man," Orion said. "I soundproofed the study so Regulus would have a place to escape your mother, but you'd be welcome in there as well if you weren't so keen on building forts with my books."

Sirius opened his mouth, watching his father hold out his hand, indicating Sirius should take his hand. Sirius tucked his hand behind his back, holding his head high. "I'm too old for that, sir."

"Really?" Orion said. "Are you too old to look for your brother with me in my study?"

"Ha, ha," Sirius said.

"Watch the attitude, Sirius," Orion said. "Oh. And the portraits ask you not to run up and down the stairs like you were moments ago. It gives them headaches."

"Are they even able to get headaches?"

"I honestly don't know, but I'd prefer they not give me a headache over your antics, dear boy," Orion said, arriving at the study. He opened the door.

"Not here."

"What? You think Regulus would be reading a book if he were hiding?"

Sirius sighed, going over to look under the coffee table, even though it felt evident from the door that his brother wasn't there, to under the desk. "Still no Regulus."

"Ah. Well, to the kitchens then," Orion said. They arrived there.

"I already checked the cupboard," Sirius sighed. "Only Kreacher."


"Really. I actually did check all the hiding places here."

"Well, I certainly don't see him under the table," Orion said. He walked over to the cupboard and opened the door. "Ah! Here he is."

"What?" Sirius' eyes blinked. He hurried over, his jaw-dropping as Regulus sat on the floor in the cupboard, his eyes blinking in confusion.

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