Spoiled Safe Place

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"What's wrong with me returning someone's hug?" Regulus thought to himself, crouching under his father's desk, mentally letting himself sink into the familiarity of the safe place, a place Sirius didn't know to look for him. "Because it's out of character for me; otherwise, Father wouldn't ask, but someone..." His head tilted slightly, his eyes closed. "Someone taught me how to return hugs."

"There you are!"

Regulus sucked in his breath, opening his eyes, swallowing. "This is supposed to be somewhere Sirius doesn't know to look for me."

"Hi!" Sirius said, beaming ear to ear.

"He's up to something," Regulus thought, deciding to make his escape the best course of action despite knowing Sirius would follow him out of their father's study, not understanding why Sirius wanted to—

"Hey. I'd like to hang out, Regulus. Do you want..."

Regulus turned halfway up the stairs just in time to see their mother hovering just behind Sirius, the fury in her eyes evident, resulting in him gasping. Sirius frowned in response, not noticing her presence in time to prevent her from grabbing his ear right before she started verbally laying into his older brother. "Sirius Orion Black! Leave your brother alone, you hear!"

He watched Sirius turn to her angrily, glaring at her. "What? I just want to play with Regulus!"

"You'll do no such thing!" Walburga said. "I won't have you filling his head with silly notions."

"You mean like being sorted into Gryffindor rather than Slytherin?"

Regulus swallowed. "That's why Sirius started hating me? Or was it before? Remember?"

"If that happens, Sirius, bloody Merlin, I will kill you!"

"No!" The words came out unbidden. "Don't kill my brother!"

Regulus watched the two look up at him in surprise, just in time for Orion Black to appear on the stairs before the landing that led to his study. He watched their father clear his throat. "Wablurga." She turned to look at him. "It doesn't do in your attempts to terrorize our eldest into behaving also needlessly to terrorize our youngest."

She turned her head, looking at Regulus, "I didn't mean."

"Of course you meant it," Sirius blurted out, glaring at their mother. "She's your niece, after all."

Regulus sucked in his breath, knowing Sirius meant their cousin Bellatrix yet both of their parents stared at Sirius, taken aback by what he'd just said even though there wasn't much Sirius ever did that surprised them. Still, that didn't stop him from vexing them.

"Let's get you a calming draught, Regulus," Orion said, clicking his tongue, moving past Sirius and his wife, reaching out for Regulus' shoulder only for Regulus to flinch.

"I can go to my room. On my own," Regulus said before turning and heading up. When he arrived, he collapsed onto the bed, emotionally exhausted, taking the potion his father brought him without question, yet not touching the food Kreacher brought later on.

"Regulus?" Orion called out. "Kreacher says you've not been eating, but if you don't eat, you'll be forced to partake in meals with the rest of the family so we can see that you're actually eating."

"Sir, sorry sir," Regulus muttered, sitting up and looking at his father with a frown. "Sorry. Real sorry."

Orion took a deep breath. "We'll be going for school supplies tomorrow."


"Are you looking forward to getting your wand?"

"What?" Regulus' eyes blinked.

"While I applaud you asking to go to your grandfather to argue your case with your mother, I am quite capable of doing so myself," Orion said, smiling.

"You said that, didn't you? Earlier?" Regulus asked.

"I did?" Orion's eyes blinked, then said. "I don't remember, but if I did, I did. See you in the morning, but be sure to eat, little one."

The Four Interchanging Lives of Regulus Black (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now