To Be an Older Brother

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"She bloody would, wouldn't she," Sirius thought before Regulus yelled. "After all, her niece is Bellatrix Lestrange, and Bella didn't hesitate in killing me before."

Only for Walburga's countenance to melt away the moment Regulus screamed at her; the very fact Regulus joined in on one of the yelling matches proved shocking enough, but his younger brother was quite upset at the idea of their mother killing his older brother, meaning even Regulus believed something possible.

"But he also cares. Despite everything that happened, Regulus actually cares about me," only for Sirius to do a double take regarding his personal thoughts. "Everything that had happened, given what happened, has yet to happen." He followed his father up the stairs, lingering outside Regulus' door as the elder Black took Regulus a calming draught. "Can I change that? Can I actually be a better older brother than before?"

Orion stepped out, giving Sirius a half-smile. "I know you'd like to play with your brother, Sirius, but please? Nothing to over-excite him until we get his wand, get him on the train? I don't need the headache of your mother trying to convince me not to send your brother to Hogwarts again, you hear?"

"Yes, sir," Sirius said, leaving him to linger in his room or just outside the door, eating the meals Kreacher brought up to him, likely sent by their father rather than their mother, waiting for Regulus to stir, yet he never did.

Linger leaves him to boredom; the mirror for communicating with James during detention hours hadn't been created yet and might not ever be made, with Sirius contemplating a change to his behavior as boredom leads to thinking about his past actions.

"I stopped talking to him the moment he got sorted into Slytherin? Father's not wrong in saying Regulus is unlikely to pick anything other than Slytherin, but surely that can change? Can't it?"

And thus, Sirius waited.

The day of getting their school supplies finally came along with a mixture of feelings as Sirius finally heard Regulus leave his room and head down the stairs rather than into the bathroom they shared, yet—

"I'm bloody going to have to deal with the old bat if I'm to stick to Regulus like glue during our shopping trip," Sirius thought, a shudder running down his spine. "In fact, I remember sneaking off, so I wasn't there when Regulus got his wand or his robes. I found and hung out with James instead. Can my behavior change, given..."

"Are the two of you ready?"

Sirius' eyes blinked, seeing their father standing on the drawing room landing, waiting for them. "What about breakfast? And you're coming? What about mother?"

"Do you really want your mother to come with us, Sirius?" Orion asked, an eyebrow lifting as he set a hand gently on Regulus' shoulders, gently coaxing the boy to the fireplace. "I figure the three of us can have breakfast at one of the shops before getting the shopping done."

"I—uh, yes, sir," Sirius said. "Perhaps I can change my behavior towards Regulus? I'll stick to him like glue this time."


"Sirius," Orion tapped his shoulder when they headed to breakfast. "Don't crowd your brother."

Sirius' teeth gritted together, realizing he'd practically tried clinging to Regulus, which made his younger brother look at him warily.

"Not that I blame him," Sirius thought as he sat at the small cafe. Orion ordered breakfast for the three of them as if spending time with his two children was standard. Sirius frowned, narrowing his eyes for a moment. "But it isn't."

The Four Interchanging Lives of Regulus Black (Harry Potter Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu