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Chapter 57 Departure, Province C Base (1/2) After the apocalypse, I relied on the system to open a community and won.

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The mother and daughter turned around in surprise and saw a man waving and shouting. Everyone looked in disbelief.

It took a few seconds for everyone to react and run to the place where the food was distributed, fearing that they would be late and not be able to receive it.

The person in charge of distributing food saw that people almost tripped others to receive food, and said quickly: "Everyone can receive food, don't be anxious, don't be anxious. Don't cause a stampede."

Everyone lined up in two lines and came up one by one to receive it.

Upon hearing this, everyone lined up obediently and looked eagerly at the food in front of them.

There are too many things to do today, so I will cook some simple meals for the time being, but even this simple meal is simply a luxurious meal for people who have experienced the apocalypse for so many years.

The food is distributed according to the number of people, ensuring that everyone can eat it. Everyone who gets the food is reluctant to finish it all at once. After all, no one knows whether there will be food to receive next time.

And Ji Yueyun also eats simple meals like everyone else, without exception. She has always insisted on eating the same food as people and living the same life in order to better lead the base and not lose the support of the people.

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the soldiers guarding the door suddenly saw what seemed to be a small black dot in the sky. When the black dot got closer little by little, they realized that it was not a small black dot. It was clearly a black dot. A bigger car.

There is actually a flying car!

But after being stimulated by the giant panda just now, I dont seem to be so shocked now when I see a flying car.

However, they quickly reported it to their captain.

Soon, the news spread throughout the base. After a giant panda came, a flying car came outside the base.

People at the base in Province C felt that their experiences this year were not as exciting as today.

Ji Yueyun also came to the door with her own help. Her intuition felt that this should be the mysterious Boss Yun.

As expected of the person who owns Panda Express, the way he appears is different.

The people in the base who were not injured all came to the entrance of the base to watch the fun. I heard that today's weapons, medicines, food, etc. were all delivered by people in this car.

People were curious and thought over and over whether this mysterious man would have three heads and six arms. He would be tall and powerful, and his face should be very fierce.

After all, it must be very powerful to provide so many things, and it looks very impressive.

The car in the sky is indeed Yun Xia and Yun Jing.

They did not leave for Province C immediately because they had posted recruitment advertisements before and it would definitely be postponed now, so some things still needed to be arranged.

After everything was finally ready, Yun Xia set off with Yun Jing.

Since they have two children at home, they dont plan to go there for too long.

After the apocalypse, I relied on the system to open a community and won.Where stories live. Discover now