Chapter 3 - Complicated

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"19!Line up in the barn!" A strict voice calls. The team lines up, all in a row, so that everyone is facing each other and Andy walks imposingly through the centre of the row. "We currently hold the record for speed and thoroughness! We want to keep it that way." She walks slowly past each individual, checking their equipment, state of health and attitude. Jack watches the scene from above without anyone noticing and smiles. He is almost healthy again for work after falling on the ground.

Andy walks past you, stops for a moment and looks you in the eye.

"Excelente como siempre". (Excellent as always) You immediately look down at the floor and Andy moves on. "90 minute workout, now! 19!" Andy shouts.

"19!!!" Everyone joins in and gets to work.

Andy also trains, going through the ranks to make sure everyone reaches their full potential.

"Looks good" She comes over to you and smiles. Fancy a round of training together?"

"sure" Andy lies down and you support her knees "if you can do 30 without hesitation I'll buy you a drink in Joe's bar" You grin confidently, but you don't miss Andy's raised eyebrows. She starts right away, looking deep into your eyes, which makes your cheeks unconsciously glisten red.

After 25, she continues, but has to pant a lot more.

"I hope you can handle a lot," Andy stands up with a broad grin, discreetly out of breath and drinks some of her water.

"30...not bad" you smile as you unconsciously look at her for a long time then go into the changing room to change and take a shower. As you stand in the shower, Andy stops in front of the closed door, already showered and with her back to the door, looking up thoughtfully as she is distracted by Vic. "Is Y/N doing well? Is she fit?"

Andy goes to her locker and changes. "Yes, She's fine." As soon as everyone had finished, the first call came. You go into Car L19 together with Andy.

"so what exactly did the woman mean? A cat rummaging through her garbage in her garden?" You look outside in amusement and stifle a laugh.

"Well, maybe it's a wolf in sheep's clothing." You both have to laugh and when you arrive, the woman is already standing in front of the house.

"Dios mío, está en el jardín e incluso tiene bebés. Hay que llevarlos al refugio de animales". ("Oh my goodness, she's in the garden and even has babies. They need to be taken to the shelter!)

"ok ok, nos ocuparemos de ello" (ok ok, we'll take care of it)," Andy tries to reassure her and looks into the garden. "Fetch the cage, she says she even has kittens." You try not to let on and nod, get the cage and you both go into the garden.

"dónde se supone que está exactamente?" (where exactly is she supposed to be?) Andy asks and the woman points to some undergrowth behind the composter. As Andy approaches it, she makes a huge leap backwards, when suddenly the supposed "cat" hisses at Andy. She scrambles backwards on her butt to get some distance. You look at her in complete irritation and try to understand what is happening.

"that's...a...a...raccoon! Un condenado mapache! (damn racoon)... A fucking full-grown raccoon!" Andy freaks out completely and tries to get her breathing under control. You approach him and put the cage down. "Well, you're a sweet mama." You grab the raccoon and her kids and put them in the cage.

The two of you on the way back, absolute dead silence interrupted by your sudden laughter. "A raccoon?" Andy can't help but grin and join in with your laughter. "yup...raccoons..." Andy looks at you and can't take her eyes off you, but she notices and stops, her expression more serious, and looks out the window as she whispers. "Tu risa suena tan dulce" (your laugh sounds so sweet)

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