Chapter 27 - Double Love

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Steps...which run through the row of heroes. It is Herrera, who is now 18 weeks pregnant, still captain until a new one is found, who walks through the line and takes a close look at everyone. Her expression today is clearly more wistful than when she knows something and can't say it. Not yet. She orders everyone to stand up straight and goes over the troops with eagle eyes. It had taken her ages to reach this moment. To become captain of her own family and take the lead. Now? Now she is proudly showing off her baby bump.

The troop senses that there is a certain tension in the air today, and rightly so, because what they don't know is that visitors are expected.

"Captain.... has something happened or why are we being so formal today?" Warren asks, relaxed and dignified. Andy looks at him and doesn't answer. She doesn't need to because the answer has already arrived. "Good afternoon 19!" Ross speaks dominantly to the troops and Andy stands in the middle to let Ross have her way. "I hope you're all well because there's been a change!" Everyone looks curiously at her with question marks on their faces. "As you probably know, the search for a new captain for the 19 is in full swing. There have been enough recruiters and I'm here today to tell you who will be temporarily in charge of the station until Captain Herrera is fully operational again!"

The whole group looks intently at Ross and Andy, who just looks silently at the ground. "Y/N, I am pleased to welcome you as the new captain of the 19! It wasn't an easy decision because everyone here is doing a great job!" Maya looks incredulously at you and then at Andy, as if something is on the tip of her tongue. "I'm looking forward to more great work from all of you!" You look at Andy in disbelief and when Ross goes to talk to Andy, you quickly go to both of them to talk to them. "Chief Ross! T...There must be some mistake," you say excitedly. "Y/N I got a letter of recommendation from several captains, including your wife. Nevertheless, it was a difficult decision for us, so be happy about it! Congratulations" Andy remains silent. You look at her, expecting an answer, but Ross interrupts the action and asks Andy various questions. "How long exactly are you going to be on break, Herrera?"

"I'm almost half-term as far as the pregnancy is concerned, and since there are twins, probably even less. As soon as they're here and I'm fit, I'll take over as captain again," she says dryly, as if she finds it difficult to talk about it at all. Ross nods, but looks at her questioningly. "You're brave, with twins it's a handful of work," says the Chief.

"I'm determined to get this done and with Y/N the station is in great hands!" says Andy, smiling. You just look silently back and forth between the two, confused that it has come to this, as Ross finally breaks away and says goodbye. Andy's hand runs over her stomach. "All right, straight talk. You recommended me?" you ask and Andy looks at you. "yes, you're right, you're a top firefighter and you've earned the job too" you take a deep breath and smile gently. "this is one step towards proving that I love you and I mean it. My station doesn't go to just anyone, it goes to you. You're family too, with heart and soul. Everyone here respects you as a person, as a lieutenant and as a firefighter!" The smile Andy has just given you is sincere, honest and absolutely serious. Her words hit you and you believe every single one of them. Words that sound like remorse and love. "Andy...." You go to her and hug her gently and lovingly.

"I love you so much..." she says and tears well up in your eyes. "I love you too, or rather all of you" you put a hand on her stomach and stroke it gently as you suddenly look up at Andy in disbelief. "Andy?" she just nods happily and enjoys your hand on her stomach. "it looks like one of them agrees with you." you both laugh, not realizing that you are being watched from a distance. Vic, Travis, Warren and Jack smirk in the background at the sight of you. Only Maya has disappeared and Kate is simply not interested in what the others are doing.

"Well Captain, I don't know about you but this calls for a celebration!" Travis says jokingly and Vic looks at Andy with puppy eyes. "how about a gender reveal party?" But both Andy and you shake your heads. "It sounds nice, but we're letting ourselves be surprised when it comes to the genders." you say and Vic makes a cute pouting face. "Oh seriously?" Vic asks offended and still smiles happily. "It'll be exciting, yes" you say and Andy looks at everyone "So 19....woe betide me if I hear any complaints..." she looks at everyone wistfully and almost sadly. "Don't worry, I'm sure our new captain will ensure the right level of strictness in the station!" warren says encouragingly and looks at you with a grin. "All right," says Andy with tears in her eyes and laughs. "I'll continue to breed and make sure that our fire station babies grow well."

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