Chapter 5 - Christmas

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AN: Finally a twist in this chapter, and lots of sweet fluff. LOVE the dance music <3 enjoy <3

"She did it. She'll need some rehab, but there shouldn't be any nerve damage," Dr. Grey says in a calm tone and goes to Andy. "She's in the recovery room. You're welcome to stay with her until she wakes up. Y/N will certainly need someone after this terrible accident."

Andy just nods in relief and the others rejoice, hugging each other and Vic pats Andy on the shoulder. A chair is free at your bedside and the anesthetic is still working so you don't notice anything.

Andy pauses for a moment and just stands by your bed. "I don't know if I can take any more...." She looks at you wistfully and guiltily. She slowly gives you a delicate kiss on the lips and then leaves the room.

Four weeks have passed since then and you have recovered well after the operation.

"gingle bells, gingle bells...." Vic is dancing crazy in the beanery. "tomorrow is Christmas and everything is so beautifully decorated. i can already smell the roast in my nose." Vic says and Travis smiles. Everyone is getting ready for the party at the Barn. You are there for a visit and look around happily, almost ready for work you take a deep breath. "this bloody really colorful everywhere here!" Your eyes light up. Andy is in the office finishing off the last few documents.

When she has finished, she enters the hugely decorated hall. With her hands in her pockets, she looks at you intensely, which you don't notice at first. Everyone else goes up to you and gives you a big hug, happy that you're feeling better again. Only Andy keeps her distance, biting her lower lip. "Is she okay?" you ask and Vic looks at Warren and Travis. "She just seems to be worried that everything is okay with you," Vic says and everyone looks at Andy. "You should have seen her, she went crazy when you were hurt so badly" Travis says without thinking and Vic nudges him with a warning look.

Your gaze slightly surprised, you look at her and see Andy leaving the Barn to go to her bunk.

The next day, when the party has started, Andy stands in the middle of the packed hall and smiles forcibly. "19....I'm glad we can be together here today. it's been a...crazy year. I'm grateful to finally be captain and will of course do everything I can to keep our family here together. Have a nice celebration and enjoy yourselves..."

Everyone applauds and a Christmassy atmosphere spreads. Andy leaves the crowd and packs up her things for the next two days off. This doesn't go unnoticed as you enter the changing room and approach her. "You want to...go? The party's only just started" she continues packing. "Yes, the people are all there with their families. I have no business being there. I have no one else, so why stay. my beer is waiting for me at home." You block her way. "what nonsense. the whole 19 is your family, you just said!"

"I.... have no one left...I lost my father, my best friend...had lost my station for over a year...had to go through a divorce and-....." She stops and picks up her bag. "If something's wrong, I'm home..."

You look after her anxiously as she leaves the fire station. Back home, Andy grabs some food and two beers from the fridge. Snuggled up comfortably on the couch she was about to fall asleep when a doorbell suddenly jolts her out of her half-sleep.

She looks confused, gets up, looks through the peephole and opens the door.

"I can...I want to be your family if you let me. I don't want to argue anymore, I want to see you smile. I want to rekindle your passion at work and accompany you to sleep every night as if it were our last. Defend you when there are differences of opinion and stand by you what ever the future will bring. I don't care about your status...or my rank. I want to be with you and wanna make you happy....Andy...I love you!" You look at her, completely out of breath, when Andy suddenly runs up to you, takes your face in her hands and kisses you.

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