Chapter 7 - Unbreakable

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AN: Small warning: the chapter contains sexual harassment, just a little similar to Andy's situation in season 5. Otherwise...ooof things went crazy this time

Board up your windows. Take shelter. Find your flashlights. Hunker down. That's the advice you hear when a storm is coming. So when the horizon turns dark and when the clouds are forming, when the wind picks up and knocks you back on your feet, don't take risks. Settle in somewhere safe and wait. That's what we're taught to do if we want to weather the storm. You can't ignore it. You can't run from it. You sure as hell can't control the storm if it's coming. But you can be smart. You can prepare. You can stay ready and hope upon hope that THIS storm WON'T BE YOUR LAST......

~Andy Herrera~

You look at Andy, who stares silently at the floor

"Andy... is everything ok?"

"How much of the speech did you listen..." she asks quietly without looking at you. "I didn't notice much...did something happen? did he do something to you?" you lie to her and stand in front of her. "no..." Andy packs her things and looks at you emotionlessly. "I'm going, do you want to come with me?" you nod and together you go to her house.

For the next few weeks, the atmosphere between you is rather quiet, almost reserved. You always try to be there for Andy, who spends most of her time at training.

"Andy! We need to talk!" She takes her beer from the fridge and wordlessly hands you one too. "Since the thing with Sullivan, you've been acting weird, absent and not yourself. Andy I love you but if you still have feelings for your ex-husband then tell him. Then say it back but don't leave me hanging around here like this" you put the beer aside.

"So you did hear him say that he loves me." Andy puts her beer down too. "So what? Andy I love you, but if you don't love me, then say it!...."

"he kissed me...but I pushed him away, at least when I realized it. He kissed me by surprise. After the action with the divorce, I thought we were through but obviously he wasn't after all. He was with Chief Ross but apparently that seems to be over...I...I was confused, I am confused" You sadly avoid her gaze and just nod silently. "ok..." you turn around and walk to the door.

"w...wait! Y/N!" Andy walks towards you slightly, getting nervous

"you should sort out your feelings" you reach for the doorknob

~"I love you!"~

Andy stares at you agitatedly as you slowly turn to her. "What?" you ask her quietly. "i...i love you so hurts, my whole body hurts. i'm scared to get involved again. To be hurt again...I-" but she doesn't get any further because you kiss her. "It's ok, we'll just take it easy. I wouldn't believe how long I've wanted to hear you say those words." You smile at her overjoyed.

The days fly by and finally the day arrives when Sullivan officially leaves 19 to join 88. Andy watches him pack and stands next to Robert's locker with her arms crossed. "88 then..."

"yup" Robert continues packing and then looks at Andy.

"Andy..we could try again, take it slow and build up a bit really slowly. Without acting impulsively. no matter who has what rank. Natasha rejected me and said I still have feelings for you, which she's right about." He smiles guiltily and Andy looks away sadly.

"it's too late for that now. i love someone else" she looks at him pityingly and robert just nods silently as he realizes who it is. "sure...Y/N"

"i love her and i want with her what i never had with you" Andy pushes herself away from the locker and turns her back on him. "good luck in 88...Robert" with these words she leaves the room.

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