Chap 8 - Loss and Changes

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AN: I'm happy that STATION 19 season 7 starts today but I have to wait cause germany takes FOREVER until we can watch it. Anyway, this chapter contains death, and is the start of a bigger chapter. enjoy <3

"Are you ready for the funeral, Captain?" asks Maya, standing quietly in the doorway. Black is the color that is omnipresent, just not in the 19 itself. Everyone is dressed in mourning clothes. Andy turns to Maya and nods without saying a word.....


You'd think a movie was being filmed here at the sight of the 19. Andy is struck by lightning and without thinking or any protective clothing she wants to run off and smother the fire with her own hands. "Andy! No!" Vic and Travis struggle to hold Andy down. "NO! We have to put it out, it's my home, my father's home!" distraught with tears in her eyes, she watches the station burn to the ground.

"Andy we have to find a safe place!" Andy is numb, as if nothing exists around her, nothing but her and the burning station. With great effort, they drag Andy away and finally find safe shelter just before a huge tornado sweeps through the city. You yourself have also made it to safety, along with a few other strangers, neighbors and firefighters from other stations.

Andy sat curled up in one of the shelters, completely absent-minded and in shock. It was hours before the storm finally passed. The silence is so intense and weighs so heavily.

"what the...." Warren looks shocked. "who.... who did this? one of our people?" Warren and the others gradually gather in front of the 19 floor. A sad picture stretches out, but it is not completely destroyed. Someone has contained the fire and prevented the entire 19 from burning down. Andy goes closer and looks around. Almost the entire barn and the vehicles inside have burned down, but the rest has been spared by both the fire and the storm. Travis and the others look around cautiously. Andy is relieved that only the barn has been hit, but it still hurts to look at it. You join them and can't believe what you see. "Andy!" you run to her and you both start to cry, more with relief than with horror at the recent events.

"Travis? Travis, what is it?" Vic comes to him and sees his silent and empty look. "What..." Vic stops in all her movements as she also turns her gaze in the same direction Travis is looking. " oh my god..." Andy, you and the others come to see what's going on and pause as they realize who is lying there. Heavily burned, you can barely read the name written on the jacket. Vic falls to her knees and Travis hides his face under his hand as he bends down to Vic and tries to comfort her.


Everyone is lined up in several rows, salutes, and lets the preacher speak his phases. Andy at the front as the stations captain senses everyone's tension and holds the firefighter's helmet with the name Ruiz firmly in her hands. She finally places it on his coffin and salutes him with a strength that could weather any storm. A brother has fallen, made it his mission to save his own station and had to pay for it with his own life.

It is quiet even after the funeral service. Andy is the only one who remains at his grave and pauses. You stand close behind her, but give her space. He saved the station from burning down completely. Andy can't put into words how grateful she is and yet she is shocked at the price everyone has to pay.

"you saved my father's, all of us...." She lowers her head so that her hat covers her face. "it wasn't your job...I should have done it" the tears run down her face. You come to Andy, who wipes away her tears.

"hey..." you stroke her back and she smiles tightly.

"He died a hero," Andy says and swallows. "I'll never forget him. As long as I live." You smile sympathetically and take her hand. "Come on... let's go to the others and have something to eat. The funeral feast has long since begun." The two of you head off to meet up with everyone else. Chief Ross is also there to offer her condolences. Gathered around the large, long table, it suddenly becomes very quiet as Andy stands up quietly.

"The 19 is still standing largely because we lost one of our brothers, who decided with all his efforts to save our home. A place where I owe my childhood, a place where I grew up!" Andy pauses for a moment and continues. "Ruiz was a good captain for a short time, wanted to continue to be captain and did everything he could to ensure that we were always safe. His last task was to save our home!" Andy raises her glass. "He was a hero and will always be our hero.

Everyone toasts, but the sadness is written on everyone's face.

"Andy, I will do everything necessary to ensure that the station is open again as quickly as possible," said Chief Ross as she goes to Andy, hugs her and looks at her empathetically.

"Thank you chief..." You walk over to Andy and hug her too.

"Your words were very moving," you smile at her and she simply kisses you on the mouth in front of everyone, which doesn't go unnoticed by the others.

"No more secrets"

You look at her in surprise and let your gaze wander around the group, almost all of them are looking at you with a surprised smile. Chief Ross just starts to applaud and Vic comes dancing to you. "Well at least we have something positive to celebrate today" Travis raises his glass and everyone laughs at Vic's dancing.

You both smile happily. "It will take a while until the station is ready, I'll make sure that everyone stays in other stations for the time being. But don't worry, it's only temporary" Ross said.

"Leave Y/N and I out for now" Andy says and Both you and Ross look at Andy questioningly. "We wanted to take a break anyway." Andy takes your hand. "We're flying to Puerto Rico." Everyone looks excited and Ross nods in agreement.

Just a few days after the funeral service you pack your bags. "and how long do you plan to be in Puerto Rico?" you look at Herrera questioningly. "As long as it keeps us there. the station won't be functional for another two months. Pack lots of sunscreen." Andy laughs and finishes packing everything together with you. "The trip will do us good, give us other ideas." You agree and hug Andy lovingly. "I'll go everywhere with you." Andy smiles happily for the first time in a long time and kisses you tenderly.

" Andy smiles happily for the first time in a long time and kisses you tenderly

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All packed up, you set off in the middle of the night and arrive at the airport. On the way to check in, Andy takes your hand and smiles happily at you. You feel how Andy can gradually let go.

About Robert.

About the guilty conscience of being captain and, above all....

the fear of getting involved in a relationship with you.

When you get on the plane, you buckle up, hold your hands and take a deep breath.

"Off to homeland" Andy laughs and shortly afterwards the plane rolls off, takes off and a beautiful nighttime view from above, Seattle shows all the beauty of the city. After a few hours the sun rises as you slowly reach Puerto Rico. Blue-turquoise water, palm trees and colorful houses can be seen and Andy can't help but smile broadly.

"Puerto Rico...prepárate...ya vamos!"

Be prepared! the next chap will be a long, full of fluff and also a 18+ raw smut chapter which I wil mark clearly. (if you wanna skip feel free. the 18+ isn't story relevant)

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