Good Night

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As Lucifer disappeared into the shadows, all the corpses and satanic markings vanished as well, leaving the scene looking like nothing horrible had happened there. Alastor smiled wider and started laughing like a maniac while walking away and closing the barn doors. He then headed to his house to clean himself up and get ready for his radio broadcast. Lucifer noticed that the human had cleaned himself up to look like there was no blood to begin with, but the scent of blood was still on him. So, he helped by erasing the scent of blood on the mortal before Alastor left the house.

Lucifer Pov

"Finally, this mortal is leaving, Now, let's see if this human owns a mirror." Lucifer started to walk around, searching for a mirror. Before going to the bathroom, he noticed a photo of what appeared to be a young Alastor. In the photo, beautiful women hugged him with smiles on their faces. Lucifer smiled at the photo as he walked past it and proceeded to the bathroom

Lucifer: "Finally, a mirror "

Lucifer approached the mirror and transformed into a more demonic form, with his wings and horns fully extended. he summoned a knife and started to cut his wrist, lucifer hissed a bit because of the pain and started to use his blood To create ancient satanic markings, he began reciting a Latin spell. As his eyes turned bright red, the mirror glowed, and soon he found himself staring in his bedroom.

Lucifer: "Lilith are you there"

Lilith was in a state of shock and was wondering where her husband was until she heard a voice coming from her bedroom. Holding Charlie, she walked into the bedroom and saw Lucifer's reflection in the mirror. Her face lit up with joy at the sight of her husband in the mirror.

Lilith: "Lucifer"

Charlie: "Daddy'

Lucifer smiled through tears as he saw that both his baby girl and wife were safe and sound

Lucifer: "Yes, it is me"

Lilith:" Lucifer are you hurt, where are you"

Lucifer: "I'm fine, where I am is in the mortal realm"

Lucifer began to explain to his wife how he had been summoned to the human world and was unable to return to their world. Lilith got upset and started to scold him, reminding him that she had warned him to ensure that all summoning books were destroyed. Despite her anger, she reassured Lucifer of her love for him and urged him to stay safe until the spell ran out

As Alastor finished his broadcast, he was in disbelief that he had summoned Lucifer, the King of Hell. However, he couldn't shake the memory of the marking on his hand that proved the encounter was real. Lost in thought about the demon king and his potential uses, Alastor was interrupted by the ringing of the phone on the wall. He got up to answer it.

Alastor: hello

???: "Alastor when are coming to visit me"

Alastor recognized who was on the phone by the voice

Alastor: Mimzy, yes, I will visit you today, I just finished my broadcast

Mimzy: Yeah, me and husk, can't wait to see you

After ending the call, Alastor made up his mind to visit his friend before returning home. He hoped this would help him figure out what he needed to ask Lucifer to do. As he walked into the Hazbin Bar, he was greeted by the sounds of music and laughter filling the room. He spotted his friend Mimzy sitting by the bar, drinking hard alcohol with Husk. It seemed Mimzy was heartbroken again, possibly due to an ex or a bad relationship.

Note: I did not know what to name the bar so 😅

Mimzy: "Alastor"

Alastor: "Mimzy"

MImzy saw her best friend and ran up to him, hugging him tightly. It took a moment before he hugged her back. Husk watched as Alastor poured his regular drink and placed it on the counter. Alastor picked up the drink and began to take a sip, then looked up at Husk.

Alastor: "Husk my friend how are you"

Husk: "Same old same old"

Mimzy: "So Alastor are you seeing someone"

Alastor: "You know I am not interested in that, why do I look different "

Minxy: " "You just look happier, so no good news

Alastor: "Nope nothing new"

Mimzy: Mm fine, so don't tell anyway, Alastor did you hear......."

As Alastor was chatting with his friends, he noticed that it was getting dark outside. He decided it was time to leave and said goodbye before heading back to his house. Once he arrived, he went straight to his bedroom and turned on the lights. Suddenly, he saw a white snake on his bed. Before he could react, the snake yawned and transformed into Lucifer, the demon.

Lucifer: " Welcome back! How was your day"

Before Alastor arrived home

"After the magic dissipated, I wiped my tears and decided to keep exploring the human's house. However, I soon became bored and considered venturing into the forest instead. But there was something important that I needed to tell the mortal, and I also felt quite exhausted."

Lucifer: "When is that human coming back"

"I guess I could take a nap. After all, it was a stressful and chaotic day, and I did use a good chunk of my power on the mirror. My power is limited in the mortal realm, so I should get a good rest to get my strength back. I transformed into a snake and went to lie down on the human bed. As my eyes started to feel heavy, I fell asleep. Later, I saw the mortal finally come back home. I yawned before transforming back to greet him.

Lucifer: " Welcome back! How was your day "

Alastor: It was fine, so you can transform into a snake

Lucifer yeah, I can transform into any animal, even a human

As the human walked by, Lucifer watched him and decided to wait until he returned. The human went to wash up and get ready for bed. Once he was lying down and ready to sleep, Lucifer approached him to tell him something.

Lucifer: "Aren't you going to eat something before going to bed"

Alastor: "I already ate before coming home "

Lucifer: I see also, I need to tell you something I- I need mind, never goodnight mortal

Lucifer noticed the mortal's exhaustion and decided to wait until he needed virgin blood. He could survive with sleep to recuperate his power until then.

Alastor: "Wait what do you need"

He saw that Lucifer had already transformed into his snake form and was sleeping. Alastor decided not to wake the sleeping demon and instead planned to ask him in the morning.

Alastor: "Goodnight to you as well Lucifer "

Word count:1087

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