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Lucifer and Alastor were lying in bed, cuddling. Suddenly, Lucifer heard the door creaking open and opened his eyes to see Charlie on top of him, smiling. Alastor was still asleep and didn't notice the princess on top of them, probably because he was exhausted from overworking himself.

Lucifer: "My Appleseed what is it"

Charlie: "Mama made breakfast"

Lucifer: "I see, well tell her I will be down in a few minutes"

She carefully got down from the bed with the help of Lucifer. She ran downstairs to Lilith, but she almost tripped. Luckily, her mother caught her before she fell. Lucifer tried to move Alastor, but he wouldn't budge. After a couple more tries, it seemed futile. So, he transformed into a snake and went to the bathroom. Before leaving, he kissed Alastor on the forehead. After brushing his teeth and combing his hair, Lucifer was heading downstairs when he felt a pair of hands on his waist. He was a bit surprised, but it turned out to be only Alastor. Lucifer turned around and kissed Alastor on the cheek.

Lucifer: "Good morning sleepy head'

Alastor: "Mhm why did you leave"

Lucifer: "Well I was going to eat breakfast and I did not want to wake you up since you look so cute sleeping"

Alastor: "I'm not cute"

Lucifer: "your right you are adorable"

Alastor turned his head with his ears down, not saying anything he just lifted Lucifer in his arms holding him back to the bedroom.

Lucifer: "Alastor put me down I told Charlie I would eat breakfast with her"

Alastor: "No"

He carefully laid Lucifer on the bed and then lay down himself. Before Lucifer could run away, he wrapped his arms around him to keep him still

Alastor: "Sleep"

Lucifer decided not to fight anymore and wait until Alastor was asleep again to escape. It would take around twenty minutes for Alastor to be fully asleep, so Lucifer transformed again and decided to put a pillow in place to make sure Alastor did not wake up again.

He teleported downstairs only to find a very upset Charlie waiting for him.

Lucifer: "Sweetheart"

Charlie: 'No talking you told me you would be here" Lucifer caught her off guard by picking her up and giving her kisses on her cheeks, it was making her giggle.

Lucifer: "I'm sorry can you forgive"

Charlie: " Fine only this time"

Lucifer: "Thank you my Appleseed"

Lilith walked in to see the giggling she walked over to them she grabbed Charlie holding her before she left to the living room she said.

Lilith: "Your food is on the table you may have to microwave it since it is probably cold"

Lucifer: "Thank you, Lilith"

After finishing his work, he decided to catch up on some paperwork. After a few hours of back-to-back phone calls and paperwork, he fell asleep on his desk. Alastor woke up to see that Lucifer wasn't there, so he teleported to look for him. He found Lucifer asleep on his desk and picked him up, then teleported to their room. When Lucifer woke up, he realized he wasn't in his office anymore but in his bed with Alastor hugging him. Lucifer smiled and snuggled closer before falling back asleep.

this chapter was supposed to be published yesterday but I passed out on my bed, but here it is, 

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter😊🥰

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