A day out

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Lucifer woke up in the middle of the night due to a nightmare. However, when he tried to go back to sleep, he found himself restless. As a result, he decided to teleport to the top of a human's roof. He gazed at the night sky and admired the beautiful twinkling stars.

Lucifer: "I guess I should try to get used to this"

At last, I had the chance to see my father's creations and observe the human who had summoned me. However, as Lucifer became lost in his thoughts, his eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep on top of the mortal's house.

Alastor woke up expecting to see a sleeping Lucifer on his bed but he was not there.

Alastor: 'Maybe he went exploring"

Alastor went to his closet to change clothes before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast. He took a piece of liver out of the fridge, which he got from his last kill, and started eating. While eating, he recalled that he needed to talk to Lucifer about something that happened last night.

Alastor: "Lucifer can you come here"

I teleported next to Alastor as soon as I heard his voice in my head and felt the chains pulling me down.

Lucifer yawned: "Human, what do you want"

Alastor: "What were you going to tell me yesterday "

Lucifer: "Ah that well what I was going to tell that power is very limited in the mortal world and that if I use a lot of power I will need virgin blood to replenish my power"

Alastor: "So you need blood I see"

Lucifer: "Well I don't need it now, I can survive by sleeping for now as long as I don't overdo it"

I need to keep that in mind. Alastor: "How long do you need to sleep if you get no blood"

Lucifer: "That depends on how much power I use, but if it is a large amount may be days or weeks also if you worry I might bite you in your sleep, don't worry I won't without your permission "

Alastor: "That's good"

Lucifer: "Do you need anything else"

Alastor: "Oh right, I was going to ask you to turn human to show you around town so you can get to know the people here and lure them for me but"

Lucifer: "Don't worry that much I can do, and I would need only a few hours of sleep to recuperate that much power"

Lucifer transformed into a human form of himself. However, there was a difference in his appearance. His gold eyes changed into a deep blue color. While his skin still looked pale, it had more color to it. His hair was less golden and had more of a brown-blondish shade.

Lucifer: "Done, and I guess I should have a name since you can't call me Lucifer outside, hmm Lou "

I watched as Lucifer transformed into a human. He still looked pretty, Alastor shook his at the thought he had.

Alastor: "Good name, come on let's go "

Lucifer: "Right "

As they walked through the town's front door, Alastor was giving Lucifer a tour. While following Alastor, Lucifer suddenly stopped in his tracks upon seeing a toy store. Alastor turned back and noticed Lucifer smiling with joy at the sight of the store

Lucifer: "Can we go in"

Alastor: "Sure'

Alastor and Lucifer entered a toy store, where they saw dolls, carousels, rattles, and small toy animals. Alastor was puzzled why Lucifer was only interested in the toy ducks on the top shelf. To his amazement, Alastor handed him the duck off the shelf.

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