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Lucifer woke up and noticed that Alastor wasn't in bed. He got up to look for him and found him passed out on the floor with wounds all over his body. Lucifer quickly picked Alastor up and put him on the bed, then started healing him. Alastor woke up, saw that he was all better, and hugged Lucifer. However, he noticed that Lucifer was bleeding and asked him when he got hurt. Lucifer tried to avoid the question, but Alastor saw that the wounds were the same as his own and confronted him. Both of them got angry and started yelling at each other in their demon forms. Meanwhile, Lilith was in the kitchen drinking some wine when she heard the commotion upstairs. She went to see what was going on, didn't want to interfere but they might wake up Charlie with their yelling.

Lilith: "Lucifer, Alastor stop it now you are going to wake up Charlie"

As Lilith looked to see both of them yelling, they suddenly transformed back to their original forms. Before she could ask why they were yelling, Alastor disappeared into the shadows and Lucifer teleported away. Alastor went to do his broadcast, but he still felt upset after doing his radio show, so he left to annoy the Vees and do some killing to distract himself.

Lilith then went to check on Charlie and found her fast asleep. She tried to look for Lucifer, but he wasn't in his workshop or bedroom. After searching for a while, she eventually found him sitting in the garden by the pond, staring at the ducks. She approached him, and although Lucifer heard her footsteps, he remained silent and kept looking at the ground. Lilith sat down beside him.

Lilith: "So Lucifer want to tell me, why you guys were yelling"

Lucifer: "No........ does he not understand I'm the king of hell I can take care of myself "

Lilith: "Did you get hurt "

Lucifer: "No I just healed him, all I was trying to do was help but then he got all made at me for doing that"

Lilith: "Look Lucifer maybe the idea of seeing you in pain and knowing it's because of him probably made him feel awful or sad"

Lucifer: "Maybe but did he have to react like that"


Alastor decides to go help out Rosie since he still does not feel like going back. While Alastor was chopping up the bodies, Rosie could see that he was feeling upset and sad. After they both finished, she put away the rest of the meat.

Rosie: "So what's wrong"

Alastor: "nothings wrong"

Rosie: "Did you get in a fight with Lucifer"

Alastor: "Yes but this time it was his fault"

Rosie: I know you too are stubborn and prideful demons,...I'm not saying you are wrong or he is wrong I'm just saying can think about how he felt"

Alastor just stood in silence not wanting to say anymore.

Rosie: "If you don't want to talk about it, how about you join me for a cup of tea it might help you calm down"

Alastor: "that's sounds nice"

After enjoying a cup of tea with Rosie, Alastor said goodbye and headed to the palace to find Lucifer. However, upon arrival, he saw Lucifer talking and smiling with someone, which upset Alastor. Despite knowing that Lilith no longer loves Lucifer, Alastor couldn't help feeling upset at the idea that Lucifer might still love her. Alastor left to go back to his room to lie down. Later on, Lucifer went back to the bedroom to see Alastor laying on the bed he got closer to the bed.

Lucifer: "I'm sorry Alastor I shouldn't have got: He was caught off by Alastor hugging him, he looked up at Alastor to see his ears were down, and his eyes were filled with tears.

Alastor: "Don't leave me"

Lucifer rested his head on Alastor's chest and playfully punched him while calling him a "dummy". However, he quickly followed up by saying that he would never leave him. They both apologized to each other and forgave one another, before hugging tightly. After a few moments, Alastor picked Lucifer up and kissed him. When they pulled away, Lucifer kissed Alastor's face all over, making him smile, Alastor had missed him dearly.

Lucifer: "How about next time we go on a killing spree together

Alastor: "Sure "

Lucifer: "I love you"

Alastor: " Love you too ducky"

Word count:722

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