Chapter 6

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He looks around for raspberries. All the cabinets and stuff has a bunch of food.

He looks everywhere before lifting up pots, pans and looking through each drawer. There is this one pan that doesn't want to move. He yanks it up and there's a dragging sound.

We both look towards the noise. Part of the wall next to the cooler is missing.

"What the fuck is that?"

"How would I know? I don't live here."

I take my emotional support honey and walk over. The mystery man walks over, with a whole sword in his hand. Where did the sword come from?

Every passing minute he becomes more and more mysterious. So intriguing.

He walks in front of me as if this is a survival thing. The room smells like a hidden pantry. I walk around him, the room lights up. It is filled with shelves of food.

He puts the sword in its holder that is strapped to his leg, under the cape's fabric.

"How many secret weapons do you have on you?"

He stands there for quite some time, counting with his fingers.

"20, I believe."

"How? How is that possible? How do they not make noise? Aren't they heavy?"

"Too many questions for a simple worker to answer, princess. I don't asks you how you hide things, do I?"



"What are your highnesses doing here?"

We turn around. There is a lovely elderly lady standing where the wall should be. She has her brunette hair in a low bun, is wearing a dress, slippers and an apron. Her eyes are dark green. She looks so sweet. She seems annoyed.

"If your highnesses wanted something, you could have just asked. No need to be snooping around, now."

Awww, I love her. The mystery man should teach me the customs here. I want to give her a hug. She's so cute.

"Don't hide secret rooms then." Mystery man grabs a box and walks out the room.

I awkwardly stand there. After a second she walks out so I follow. The door closes behind me.


He shakes his head and opens the box.

"You are. Sneaking around on us for no reason."

The sweet old lady smiles before taking the jar of honey from me and the box from him.

"What were you guys trying to make?"

"Honey raspberries," he mutters.

The sweet lady looks at us confused before setting the things on the counter and taking a pan from a shelf. She places the pan on the counter, then walks away to the sink, washing things.

I turn back to mystery man.

"How does cooking work?"

He shrugs and goes to a very tall pantry cupboard that's off to the side. He opens the doors and grabs 3 plates before turning back to the island. He hands me one, puts one by the lady and the last in front of himself.

The lady sets the tray on the counter island. The raspberries have a golden coat on them. She smiles at us before turning away.

"Have fun, your highnesses."

"Come back," the mystery man tells her.

She turns around, confusion within her.

"What is it?"

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