Chapter 16

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A/N: I drew the picture, it's a little wonky 😅 It took me forever though since there was no reference.

I dozed off after he finished talking. It seems he might have fallen asleep before I did this time, or perhaps he just didn't wish to answer my questions.

Well anyways, it's morning now. The bright sun is letting me know. I'm alone again. Last night wasn't horrible but it wasn't great either. Better than the last ones.

I get out of the sad bed and slowly get myself to the bathroom. In the mirror I see me, but I'm not me. My hair is a ruined mess that is hard to fix. There's dark under my eyes and I'm paler. Being around his highness made me pale.

There's a knock at the door-the unmistakable knock of the guard. I'm utterly weary of them, their boss they escort me to, and his son. It's all so draining.

I'll tell the mystery man I'm exhausted next time I see him. He can get me out of here. I limp over to the bed. This is embarrassing. Whatever that was in the bottle helped. It tasted awful too.

I take the little bottle with me for good luck, it now lives in my left pocket on these pants. Hopefully it can heal the pants too, get rid of the ugliness caused by the wound. If only I knew how to wash or fix clothes. Time to see Luna later.

On the other side of the door is the guard. The same one that let me get the honey. I miss the honey, it was good.

Of course, he takes me to the throne room. I'm in excruciating pain and this is the last place I want to be. I'm getting out of here tonight. The healer said good luck, everything goes right when a healer wishes luck upon someone or something. Please fate and the gods above, let me be free from here.

The guard opens the door and stands back on his side of the door. I wobble myself in and the door is closed. I get to the same spot I always go to.

The king is sitting in his chair, with his ugly face. He seems mad and happy. Does he not have control of his emotions? On the seat left to him is his highness. Instead of being proper, he is laying across the seat and faced towards the back wall. He's wearing a white turtleneck with a dark blue jacket and black pants. He forgot his shoes. How can someone fall asleep on a chair?

I bow really quick. I feel like laying on the floor and never getting up.

"Princess Vivienne."

He somehow makes my name sound ugly. How is that possible? I have the best name.


"Because of the stunt you pulled earlier, you will be going on a little trip with my son to train better. It starts tomorrow."

Now I have no other choice but to leave tonight. I nod. A smile grows on his stupid face.

"Splendid. What do you say, son?"

He doesn't respond. Now, after actually inspecting him, he isn't asleep. He is too tense, to put together. The king calls for a guard. The other one walks in, not the one that brought me here.

"Wake him up."

The guard walks across the whole room. Each footstep, his highness becomes more tense. Why? Once the guard gets close enough, his wrist is grabbed before he could shake his highness awake. His highness is staring at the poor guard. The king waves the guard away.

"Let go of him, boy, he has to do his job."

Ew, he sounds so condescending. I'd too get mad if someone bothered me while I was fake sleeping. He lets go. The poor guard leaves.

How strange. His highness sits himself up but is still sideways, his back to his father and he's leaning on the back of the chair, facing the wall in front of him.

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