Chapter 15

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The healer rewraps my leg and pulls that pant leg down. He takes the book away and hands it to the mystery man. Mystery man puts it back. The healer grabs a jar from his far right and hands it to me.

"These will help you, eat them." He hands me the jar and turns to mystery man. "Try to get out of here, even if it's for a few seconds so she can heal better."

"I can't leave the kingdom walls, you know that."

"I'll talk to the guards. If you make it outside tomorrow, then they agreed."

I'm picked up and he starts walking out with me. I wave at the man.

"Thank you, sir."

He bows. "Good luck tomorrow night, Vivienne."

He walks over and closes the door before I can ask him how he knows. Well... he is a healer, they know everything. It's so weird how they know so much. I look at the little jar. It's so cute, the size of my finger.

Oh my, does anyone else know? No one can know. No one is trustworthy. Not even Luna or Callista. They can both tell on me. Does he know? He can't know, unless that's why he is being decent to me, trying to convince me to stay.

"Why are you being nice to me?"

"I'm bored."

"Aren't you busy? You are gone a lot and there are a lot of people here so there must be a lot of problems here."

"There will always be problems in a kingdom but there won't always be a divine princess."

My goodness, he has a way with words. He opens the door to this prison of a bedroom. My heart falters. I don't want to be here. This room is sad, it isn't beautiful anymore. It's cold, lonely and quiet. No matter how I wrap myself with the blankets, how tight or layered, the air is still cold.

Right now, everything is hot. Not like earlier with the Pegasus. Every part of me is tight, suffocating. There is a pain in my stomach. The last time my stomach hurt was when I ate too much honey.

The jar was bigger than my head and I was a wee little girl. Ma and pa weren't happy when they found their small child covered in honey. That small child wasn't happy later that evening.

"I don't want to be here."

He puts me on the bed and shakes his arms.

"I don't want to carry you anymore."

He turns to the open door and walks away.

"Wait- don't leave."

He turns around. "Why not?"

I lay on the bed and stare at the boring ceiling.

"This room is so lonely. I'll jump out the window if I have to listen to this silence any longer."

"How will you jump out the window if you can't walk?"

"I'll crawl."

If there is a will, there is a way, and there is a will. He sighs, closes the door and sits beside me on the bed. I turn towards him.

"Now what?"

He shrugs. "This was your idea, princess."

I turn so I'm on my right side, facing him and I get all of me on the bed.

"Tell me who you are."


"Why not?"

"I need to stay mysterious and hot."

"I could pull off your hood right now."

I poke the hood. He lays beside me. I hold the edge of it with the tips of 2 fingers. I can't stop grinning.

"You could but you won't."

"How would you know?"

"You're a liar, not insolent."

"Stop calling me that."

"Why princess? You don't want people to know about your lying ways?"

He has a playful tone to his voice. The manners of this man are non-existent. Not as if I have been proper either. This place made me forget my manners.

"I am very truthful."

"Then enlighten me on why you agreed to help the king take over your kingdom."


He turns to me, hands interweaved under his head.

"Why not?"

"You tell me your plans, and I'll tell you mine."

"How would I trust you?"

"How would I trust you?"

Silence. I still can't get over how cute this little jar is.

"I'm from a different kingdom and I'm going to re-kidnap you to mine, so my queen and king can get you to help them take over other kingdoms, and the human cities."

"Well, you sure are taking your time. I'm waiting to get out of here."

"I need you to get exhausted so you can't fight me when I take you."

I roll on my back. My arm hurts from holding me.

"I'll be waiting."

"Now, tell me your plans."

"Once the king gets close to my kingdom, I'll get my people to overthrow him, and I'll be the rulers of both kingdoms."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"I'll be next to him when he's near the back wall and will push him over. He will fall off his horse, get trampled by it since it'll be scared, and he will be dead."

"Sounds like a solid plan."

I nod. It's still quiet here but not as bad. Isn't as bad when I hear someone else's breathing besides mine.

"Do you live in the castle? You always seem to be here."

He nods.

"Is your bed softer than this one?"

He nods again.

"Can we go there?"

I have the worst habit of being nosey. I always want to see everyone's bedrooms. If they have something cool or creative, I copy them. I need to have the best bedroom in all the lands.


"Is there a reason or is it a part of your secretive ego?"

I wish I could see his face, so I know how he reacts to what I say. What if the whole time I've been offending him?

"The king wouldn't be happy."

"Why not? Do you two share a bedroom or something? Am I that much of a disruption to him?"

"There are very strict rules that I cannot break. It's an honor to live in the castle."

"He isn't very controlling. How would he find out?"

"The room is guarded."

"You must be important then."

He nods. "I'm a secret spy from another kingdom. I'm very important."

A/N: Hii everyone!!! Sorry the picture doesn't match the chapter; I had no idea what to put.

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