Chapter 31

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We have been walking in this one direction for a while. We made it to a forest. I keep stumbling over branches. He has to keep pulling me up.

I'm an embarrassment right now. If my trainer at home saw me right now, she would be very disappointed. Usually, the guys are trainers, but I didn't want a man pretending to stab me with swords. Besides, I need the number of people that help me to be equal.

"Are you sure there's water wherever you're taking me?"

He nods.

"How do you know where it is? Have you been here before?"

"No, I can hear it. I heard it when we were by the tree. Listened to the ground."

"That's actually crazy. Your ears work that well?"

He nods. "You should be able to hear more than me, at farther distances."

"Then why don't I?"

"You have to train your ears."

"My goodness, I have to train everything. Is there anything I don't have to train?"

He stays quiet for a while before shrugging.

"That's asinine."


"How can someone possibly train their ears?"

"Dark magic."

I stare at him in shock. He glances at me before pulling me away from a tree I was about to walk into.

"I'm joking. You have to focus on your surroundings and that boring stuff."

"Oh, that is boring. I would always fall asleep whenever I had to be quiet and do boring things."

"Me too."

"Our hands can get married now."

I hold our hands in the air. He makes our arms swing back and forth, very dramatically might I add.

"You're going to dislocate my shoulder."

"It'll heal."

"But it'll hurt."

"I'm sure it would."

"Don't dislocate my shoulder."

"No promises."

Hopefully he doesn't start hating me in the middle of the trip and dislocates my shoulder. We walk through a few more trees and the floor become clear and shiny, with trees circling it. Oh wow, he did hear water.

It's so pretty. The sun is shining through the tree leaves and the water is still and I can see the rocks underneath. The air is soft. We walk to the edges, and he sits down; he pulls my hand, I sit beside him. This time, I mock his pose. He lets go of me and starts digging through the bag.

"Stop breaking up our hands. They'll never get married."

"Oh, the horror. What ever shall we do?"

"Cut off our hands and tie them together."

He side eyes me.

"Then you can't draw flowers if you have no hand. Unless you can draw with your left hand."

"I'm very talented. I can draw with my feet too."

He shakes his head before handing me a cup and himself one too. Wow, he thought of everything.

"I'm being serious."

He takes the cup from me, fills it with water and hands it back to me. I do the same for him. He looks so confused it's hilarious.

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